www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@junit/loadobj.m

    function UnitObj = loadobj(UnitObj)

%  Copyright 2000-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

%JUNIT/LOADOBJ  Load a junit object Unit.
%   UnitObj = LOADOBJ(UnitObj) loads a junit object UnitObj.
%   See also SAVEOBJ.

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Description : Method to load a junit object UnitObj.
% Inputs      : UnitObj - junit object (junit)
% Outputs     : UnitObj - junit object (junit)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

if isstruct(UnitObj)
	UnitObj= i_Update(UnitObj);
	% Recreate the Java junit object from the constructor
	UnitObj = junit(UnitObj);
elseif UnitObj.IsValid
	UnitObj.IsValid= false;

% Recreate the Java junit object from the constructor
% RecreatedUnit = junit(UnitObj);

function UnitObj= i_Update(UnitObj)

% force the constructor here
UnitObj.IsValid= true;