www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcfoundation/@DCTManager/getMBCManager.m

    function manager = getMBCManager()
%GETMBCMANAGER Method for getting the persistent DCT manager
%  MANAGER = GETMBCMANAGER() returns a DCTManager that contains a
%  persistent configuration that is saved in an MBC preference

%  Copyright 2006-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. 

persistent hPersistentManager
if isempty(hPersistentManager) || ~ishandle(hPersistentManager)
    manager = i_getManagerFromPref;
    % Add a listener that will update the preferences when the
    % configuration is changed.
    manager.Listeners = [manager.Listeners; ...
        handle.listener(manager, manager.findprop('Configuration'), 'PropertyPostSet', @i_setManagerPref)];
    hPersistentManager = manager;
manager = hPersistentManager;

% Create a new DCTManager from the saved data in preferences
function manager = i_getManagerFromPref
P = mbcprefs('mbc');
if ispref(P, 'DCTManager')
    manager_struct = getpref(P, 'DCTManager');
    config = manager_struct.Configuration;
elseif mbcfoundation.DCTManager.isDCTAvailable()
    % Use the default config from Matlab.  This choice is not saved
    config = parallel.defaultClusterProfile;
    config = 'local';

% To make sure the constructor is called, we need to go through the
% uddDispatcher.
dispatcher = xregGui.uddDispatcher;
manager = dispatcher.feval(@mbcfoundation.DCTManager, config);

% Save DCTManager data to preferences.
function i_setManagerPref(~, evt)
P = mbcprefs('mbc');
if ~ispref(P, 'DCTManager')
    addpref(P, 'DCTManager');

manager_struct.Configuration = evt.NewValue;
setpref(P, 'DCTManager', manager_struct);