www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcfoundation/@DCTManager/getScheduler.m

    function [S, ok, errmsg] = getScheduler(manager)
%GETSCHEDULER Get the current scheduler.
%   [S, OK, MSG] = GETSCHEDULER(MANAGER) returns the current scheduler.  If
%   a scheduler could not be found for the configuration then this will be
%   empty, OK will be false and MSG will be non-empty.

%   Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

ok = true;
errmsg = '';
if isempty(manager.Scheduler)
    [ok, errmsg] = manager.checkoutDCTLicense;
    if ok
        [ok, errmsg] = pSetScheduler(manager);
S = manager.Scheduler;