www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcfoundation/@DCTManager/guiCheckPoolStatus.m

    function ret = guiCheckPoolStatus(obj)
%GUICHECKPOOLSTATUS Check parpool status and display alert to user
%   GUICHECKPOOLSTATUS(OBJ) checks whether the parpool command may prevent
%   jobs from executing on the current scheduler.  If parpool is open the
%   dialog lets the user choose whether to close parpool and continue or
%   cancel the use of the scheduler.  If the user wants to continue, a true
%   value is returned, otherwise the return is false.

%   Copyright 2007-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

isopen = mbcfoundation.DCTManager.isParpoolOpen('nocreate');
if isopen
    % The pool is open on this scheduler.  Tell the user and let them
    % decide what to do
    msg = {['The parpool is open.  You must close the parallel pool to continue ', ...
        'running the optimization in parallel.'], ...
        '', ...
        'Do you want to close the parallel pool and continue with creating the distributed job?'};
    answer = questdlg(msg, 'Parallel Job Warning', 'Close Pool and Continue', 'Cancel', 'Cancel');
    isopen = strcmpi(answer, 'Close Pool and Continue');
    if isopen
        ret = true;
        ret = false;
    ret = true;