www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcfoundation/@stack/addToTop.m

    function newID = addToTop( obj, newItem )
%ADDTOTOP Add a new item to the top of the stack
%  ID = obj.addToTop(ITEM) adds ITEM to the top of the stack and returns
%  ID, a unique number that is used to remove the item later on.

%  Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

%ID is formed from instance (2^36...2^52) plus item (0...2^36) numbers
newID = obj.instanceID + (obj.nextID);

if obj.nextID<(2^36)
    % At 2^36 the unique ID's will enter the bits that hold the object's
    % unique instance ID.  At this point it is better to wrap back to using
    % 0 since this is probably old and long forgotten.
    obj.nextID = obj.nextID+1;
    % Wrap back to using 0
    obj.nextID = 0;

obj.ObjectList{obj.nItems+1} = newItem;
obj.IDList(obj.nItems+1) = newID;

obj.nItems = obj.nItems+1;
if obj.nItems==length(obj.IDList)
    % need to extend stack
    obj.ObjectList(end+1:end+10) = cell(1,10);
    obj.IDList(end+1:end+10) = -1;
obj.send('TopItemChange', handle.EventData(obj, 'TopItemChange'));