www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcmodel/@abstractnode/pGetUddChildren.m

    function uddChildren = pGetUddChildren(node)
%PGETUDDCHILDREN Private function.
%   This function is explicitly for use in cases where the appropriate UDD
%   objects are required for the underlying OOP pointers. This function looks
%   to see if a pre-existing UDD object wrapping the same pointer exists
%   connected down to the object node.

%   Copyright 2004-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Default output
uddChildren = mbcutils.handleArray(0);
if node.isNotNull
    % Get the children of the project object 
    childPointers = children(node.Object);
    if ~isempty(childPointers)
        % Find any mbcmodel.response objects connected down from the project        
        uddChildren = iFindConnectedChildren(node, childPointers);
        % Which responses are missing - indicated by an invalid handle
        missing = ~ishandle(uddChildren);
        if any(missing)
            % Put them in an array of mbcmodel.abstractnode object
            newChildren = pveceval(childPointers(missing), @constructMBCModel, 'Project', node.Project);
            % Convert the output cell array to a handle array
            newChildren = [newChildren{:}];
            % Connect to the project
            for i = 1:numel(newChildren)
                node.connect(newChildren(i), 'down');
            % Put them back in the array
            uddChildren(missing) = newChildren;

function out = iFindConnectedChildren(obj, oopPointers)
% This function takes an array of xregpointers and compares them to the
% return arguments of pGetPointerInstance on all the objects down 1 from
% obj in the UDD hierarchy. This allows an object obj to connect any number
% of mbcfoundation.pointerinterface object below it and call this function with
% some xregpointers to retrieve exactly the same UDD objects. This allows
% the UDD hierarchy to correctly reflect the xregpointer hierarchy.
% This instance of connection is specific to the xreg hierarchy - there may
% be a different implementation for cage.

out = mbcutils.handleArray(size(oopPointers));

% Firstly get all the mbcfoundation.pointerinterface objects one level below obj
uddChildren = obj.find('-depth', 1, '-isa', 'mbcfoundation.pointerinterface');

% Remove me from the list
if uddChildren(1) == obj
    uddChildren(1) = [];

% Did we find anyone
if ~isempty(uddChildren)
    % Then get their xregpointers
    childPointers = uddChildren.pGetPointerInstance;
    % Can we find those pointers in the input pointers
    [found, location] = ismember(oopPointers(:), childPointers);
    % Put the found objects in the output
    out(found) = uddChildren(location(found));