www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcmodel/@data/BeginEdit.m

    function D = BeginEdit(D)
%BEGINEDIT Indicate that a data object should begin an editing session.
%   See also mbcmodel.data.CommitEdit, mbcmodel.data.RollbackEdit.

%   Copyright 2004-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Is the data object capable of being edited
if ~D.IsEditable
    error('mbc:mbcmodel:data:InvalidState', 'A data object must originate from an editable source to begin an edit session');
% Is this object already being edited - no need to do anything
if D.IsBeingEdited
% Make a copy of the data (see mdevproject/sendObjectToDataEditor)
obj = copy(D.Object);
% Make sure all the caches are up-to-date
obj = restoreCachedInfo(obj);
% Indicate that this object is now being edited and hence treats the
% .Object field differently, using the local field not the heap copy
D.IsBeingEdited = true;
% Put the data copy back into the .Object field
D.Object = obj;