www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcmodel/@localresponse/MakeHierarchicalResponse.m

    function OK = MakeHierarchicalResponse(L,MLE,varargin)
%MAKEHIERARCHICALRESPONSE Build hierarchical response.
%   If there are more response features than the number of parameters in
%   the local model, the subset of response features that leads to the best
%   hierarchical response is chosen. The best hierarchical response is
%   chosen using PRESS RMSE if all the response feature models are linear.
%   Otherwise, the best hierarchical response is chosen using Two-stage
%   RMSE.
% See also mbcmodel.responsefeatures.ReconstructSets

%   Copyright 2004-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

OK= MakeTwoStage(L.Object,MLE,varargin{:});