www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcmodel/@modelproperties/pInitialise.m

    function p = pInitialise(p,m,MBCMODEL)
%PINITIALISE - private method
% p = pInitialise(p,m,MBCMODEL)
%  Copyright 2006-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

p.Object = m;
if nargin>2
    % connection to mbcmodel.model to enable backwward compatibility for
    % using objects by reference
    p.Model = MBCMODEL;
% add model properties to modelproperties object

if isa(m,'localmod') && ~isa(m,'localmulti')
    Type = ['Local ',getType(m)];
    Type = getType(m);
p.Type = Type;
p = modelproperties(m,p);
p.Type = Type;

% convert any xregmodels to mbcmodel.model
p.Converter= {'xregmodel',@mbcmodel.CreateModel};