www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@mbcmodel/@testplan/AttachData.m

    function D = AttachData(T, D, varargin)
%ATTACHDATA Attach a data object to the testplan.
%This is a method of mbcmodel.testplan. Use it to attach the data you want
%to model to the test plan. 
% TESTPLAN is the mbcmodel.testplan object, 
% DATA is a mbcmodeldata object.
%If the test plan has responses set up the models are fitted when you
%attach data.
%The 'UseDataRange' property changes the test plan input ranges to the
%range of the data. 
%There are a number of  optional property/value pairs to control how the
%data is matched to a design. These are the settings shown in the last page
%of the Data Wizard (if there is a design) in the Model Browser. For more
%information on the meaning of these settings, refer to the Data Wizard
%section (under Data) in the Model Browser User's Guide. 
% The complete list of property/value pairs for AttachData is:
% Property           Value                Default
% 'unmatcheddata'    {'all', 'none'}      'none'
% 'moredata'         {'all', 'closest'}   'closest'
% 'moredesign'       {'none', 'closest'}  'none'
% 'tolerances'       1xNumInputs double   ModelRange/20
% 'usedatarange'     logical              false
%When you attach data to a test plan the Name property of the test plan
%inputs is used to select data channels. If the Name is empty then the
%Symbol property is used as the data channel name. If the Name does not
%exist in the data set, an error is generated.   
%When a test plan has data attached, it is only possible to change the
%symbols, ranges or nonlinear transforms of the test plan inputs. 
% To use all the data in DATA in the test plan TESTPLAN and set the input
% ranges to the data range:
%   newD = AttachData(TESTPLAN, DATA,'usedatarange',true);
%To match DATA to the best design in TESTPLAN within specified tolerances:
% tol = [0.075, 100, 1, 2];
% unmatch = 'all';
% moredata = 'all';
% moredes = 'none';
% AttachData(TESTPLAN, DATA ,...
%     'tolerances',    tol,...
%     'unmatcheddata', unmatch,...
%     'moredata',      moredata,...
%     'moredesign',    moredes);
%You can use AttachData to use data from one project in another project:
%  p1 = mbcmodel.LoadProject( filename );
%  p2 = mbcmodel.LoadProject( filename2 );
%  p1.Testplan.AttachData( p2.Data(1) );

%   Copyright 2004-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.

error(mbcnargchk(2, inf, nargin, 'mbc:mbcmodel:testplan'));
% Make sure that we have been given the correct type of object
if ~isa(D, 'mbcmodel.data')
    error('mbc:mbcmodel:testplan:InvalidArgument', ...
        'Only mbcmodel.data objects may be attached to a testplan');
% Make sure that the data is not being edited
if D.IsBeingEdited
    error('mbc:mbcmodel:testplan:InvalidState', ...
        'CommitEdit must be called on data before it is attached to a testplan');

    % Get the mdevproject object
    MP = info(project(T.Object));
    % Is the data external to the project
    if ~ismember(D.pGetPointerInstance, dataptrs(MP))
        % Make a deep copy
        pData = xregpointer(copy(D.Object));
        % Add the pointer to the project
        addData(MP, pData);
        pData = D.pGetPointerInstance;
    % If the data is currently external to te project
    % Attach the requested data to the testplan
    pD = attachData(T.Object, pData, varargin{:});
    % Return an mbcmodel.data object
    D = mbcmodel.data(pD, T);
    % clear boundary tree object
    if ~isempty(T.pBoundary) && isvalid(T.pBoundary)
        T.pBoundary = [];

catch E
    mnemonic = mbcGetLastError(E);
    error(['mbc:mbcmodel:testplan:' mnemonic], E.message);