www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@xregpointer/copy.m

    function [NewRefs,RefMap] = copy(refs,inf)
%COPY Copy a list of pointers to a new location on the heap
%  [NewP, RefMap] = COPY(p) makes deep copies of the information pointed to
%  by P and returns the new locations of the copies on the heap.
%  [NewP, RefMap] = COPY(p, INFO) where INFO is a cell array of data that
%  resides at location p, copies the provided information instead of
%  accessing the heap for it.
%  NewP is an array of pointers to new locations and RefMap is a map of
%  pointers to be used for other mapptr calls
%  Note that a mapptr method must be defined if any object contains
%  pointers.

%  Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if nargin==1
	inf = infoarray(refs);

% Get size of input so it can be used later to reshape the output
sz = size(refs.ptr);

% make sure this is unique 
[refs.ptr,I,J] = unique(refs.ptr);
inf = inf(I);

% allocate new dynamic memory
NewRefs = refs;
NewRefs.ptr = HeapManager(4, numel(refs.ptr));

% RefMap must be a cell array to avoid calling pointer/mapptr in 
% the following loop
RefMap= {refs,NewRefs};

% put info on heap
for i=1:numel(refs.ptr)
    inf{i} = mapptr(inf{i},RefMap) ;

HeapManager(3,NewRefs.ptr , inf );

% put in original order and shape
NewRefs.ptr= NewRefs.ptr(J);
NewRefs.ptr= reshape(NewRefs.ptr, sz);