www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/@xregpointer/parrayeval.m

    function varargout = parrayeval(p, varargin)
%PARRAYEVAL Evaluates a function for a set of pointers
%  the function FCN over the pointer array PTR.  Additional input arguments
%  for FCN are specified by the cell array INPUTARGS which has one cell for
%  each input to FCN.  The output types for the function returns can be
%  specified by function handles in OUTTYPE.  The outputs are a set of
%  arrays the same size as PTR, one array for each output requested from
%  FCN.
%  Input Specification
%  ===================
%  Each cell of INPUTARGS must contain either a cell array the same size as
%  the pointer array, a single cell or not be a cell.  Input arguments that
%  are not cells or are single cells are "scalar expanded": they (or their
%  contents) are passed in to each function evaluation.  Input arguments
%  that are a cell array are referenced and the corresponding cell's
%  contents are passed to each function evaluation.
%  If you need to pass a cell array as an argument to each evaluation, you
%  should wrap this in another cell so that the method knows that that cell
%  contents should be scalar expanded.
%  Output Specification
%  ====================
%  The output arrays can be either specified as a particular type, or left
%  to be a cell array containment of the outputs.  Outputs types are
%  defined by specifying a cell array of function handles, one for each
%  output.  Each function handle is called in turn with a dimension vector
%  as input in order to initialise an output array. If a cell contains an
%  empty matrix, this specifies that the outputs should be captured and put
%  into separate cells of a cell array.
%  For convenience, there is a set of methods that generate function
%  handles for all of the common types.  These methods are: mbcdouble,
%  mbcuint32, mbcuint8, mbclogical, mbccell, mbcpointer. These methods can
%  also be used directly to produce a typed array when you need one.
%  Example:
%    >> p = repmat(xregpointer(cgvariable), 2,4);
%    >> parrayeval(p, @getvalue, mbcdouble)
%    ans =
%         0     0     0     0
%         0     0     0     0

%  Copyright 2000-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

hObjects = HeapManager(1, p.ptr);
[varargout{1:nargout}] = mbccellarrayeval(hObjects, varargin{:});