www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/Contents.m

    % Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
% Version 5.2 (R2016b) 25-Aug-2016 
% Graphical user interface functions
%   mbcmodel                  - Experimental design and model building tool 
%   cage                      - Calibration tool
% Command-line interface
%   mbcmodel                  - Command-line package for projects and models
%   mbcdoe                    - Command-line package for design of experiments
%   mbcboundary               - Command-line package for boundary models
% Models
%   xregstatsmodel            - Models exported from mbcmodel
%   mbcPointByPointModel      - Point-by-point models
% User-defined and transient models
%   xregusermod/checkin       - Check in user-defined and transient models
%   xregusermod/remove        - Remove user-defined models
%   xregusermod/weibul        - User-defined model example
%   xregtransient/remove      - Remove transient models
%   xregtransient/fuelPuddle  - Transient model example
% Data Loading API functions.
%   mbccheckindataloadingfcn  - Check in data loading function
%   mbcgetdataloadingfcn      - Get checked-in loading functions
%   mbcremovedataloadingfcn   - Remove checked-in loading function
%   mbccreatembcdatastructure - Create template data structure
% General utility functions.
%   mbcconfig                 - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox configuration

%  Copyright 2000-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.
%  $Revision