www.gusucode.com > mbc 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbc/mbccreateaddonmenus.m

    function mbccreateaddonmenus(Tools, prnt, cbobj)
%MBCCREATEADDONMENUS Create a menus structure from a structure variable
%  MBCCREATEADDONMENUS(TOOLS, PARENT, CBOBJECT)  generates a multi-level menu
%  structure from the information in TOOLS, under PRNT.  CBOBJECT is an
%  object that will be provided to the enable function for each menu item
%  (see below).
%  TOOLS is a structure array containing the information:
%    TOOLS(n).Name  -  (string) Label for menu.
%    TOOLS(n).Level -  (double) "Level" of menu.  This controls the parent-child 
%                      relationships of the items.  When the level is incremented, 
%                      the new item is made a child of the previous item.
%    TOOLS(n).Separator - (0/1) indicate whether to set separator on.
%    TOOLS(n).EnableFcn - }
%    TOOLS(n).Callback -  } These two items are concatenated into a cell array of
%                           {EnableFcn,Callback} and placed in the items userdata.
%                           The information is useful in the callback function.
%  If CBOBJECT is omitted, the parent figure will be used by default.
%  PARENT may be a handle to a figure or a uimenu.  If it is a handle to a
%  figure, a "Tools" menu item will be created to house the new tools,
%  otherwise the tools will be added to the specified menu.  If no tools
%  are specified, a parent menu will not be created.

%  Copyright 2000-2008The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if isempty(Tools)

if nargin==1
    prnt = gcf;
    cbobj = prnt;
elseif nargin==2
    % Set CBOBJECT to be the figure these menus are in
    cbobj = ancestor(prnt,'figure');

cbfcn = {@i_openmenu, cbobj};

% If parent is a figure, create a Tools menu
if isgraphics(prnt, 'figure')
    prnt = uimenu('Parent', prnt, ...
        'Label', '&Tools', ...
        'Callback', cbfcn);
    set(prnt, 'Callback', cbfcn);

i_createmenus(prnt, Tools, 0, cbfcn, 1);

function n = i_createmenus(prnt,Btools,lvl,cbfcn,n)
item = prnt;
while n<=length(Btools) && Btools(n).Level>=lvl
    if Btools(n).Level==lvl
        item = uimenu('Parent',prnt,...
        n = n+1;
        n = i_createmenus(item, Btools, lvl+1, cbfcn, n);

function i_openmenu(src, evt, cbobj)
% Check enable status of any children
ch = get(src,'Children');
if ~isempty(ch)
    ch_en = get(ch, {'Enable'});
    for n = 1:length(ch)
        ch_ud = get(ch(n),'UserData');
        if iscell(ch_ud) && ~isempty(ch_ud{1})
            enstate = feval(ch_ud{1}, cbobj);
            if enstate
                ch_en{n} = 'on';
                ch_en{n} = 'off';
    set(ch, {'Enable'}, ch_en);

% Execute any callback on this menu item
ud = get(src,'UserData');
if iscell(ud)