www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgcalinput/createImportActions.m

    function A = createImportActions(obj, PostImportCB)
%CREATEIMPORTACTIONS Get action objects for importing.
%   A = CREATEIMPORTACTIONS(OBJ, POSTIMPORTCB) returns an action object to
%   represent the available import actions.  This may be either a single
%   action or an action group, depending on what import sources are
%   available.  POSTIMPORTCB is a callback that will be executed after the
%   calibration data is imported.  The calibration data structure will be
%   provided to the callback as event data.

%   Copyright 2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin<2
    PostImportCB = '';

% Get the available options for import
[fcns, names, fileFlags] = getinputfunctions(obj);

NFile = sum(fileFlags);
NNonFile = length(fileFlags)-NFile;

if NNonFile==0 && NFile==0
    A = [];
elseif NNonFile==0
    A = mbcmultiview.Action({@i_importcalfile, obj, PostImportCB}, ...
        'Calibration...', 'Import calibration file');
    % Need a submenu group for the different sources
    Asub = [];
    if NFile>0
        Asub = mbcmultiview.Action({@i_importcalfile, obj, PostImportCB}, ...
            'File...', 'Import calibration file');
    for n = find(~fileFlags)
        Asub = [Asub, mbcmultiview.Action({@i_importother, fcns{n},obj, PostImportCB}, ...
            sprintf('%s...', names{n}), ...
            sprintf('Import from %s', names{n}))];
    A = mbcmultiview.ActionGroup;
    A.MenuType = 'submenu';
    A.Actions = Asub;

function i_importcalfile(src, evt, obj, PostCB)
[obj, s, ok] = guiImportFileType(obj);
if ok
    evt.data = s;
    xregcallback(PostCB, obj, evt);

function i_importother(src, evt, fcn, obj, PostCB)
obj.inputFcn = fcn;
s = import(obj);
if ~isempty(s)
    evt.data = s;
    xregcallback(PostCB, obj, evt);