www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgcalinput/private/pGetCalibration.m

    function out = pGetCalibration(cal, axisAware, pm)
%PGETCALIBRATION  Private helper function.
%  OUT = PGETCALIBRATION(CAL,AXISAWARE,PM) is the workhorse for getting
%  cgcalinput information out of a calibration interface CAL. AXISAWARE is
%  a flag that is true for interfaces that treat axes as items in their own
%  right, and false for interfaces that treat axes as properties of their
%  parents.  PM is a progress manager, used to display the progress of the
%  import operation.
%  The current cgcalinput interface does not support use of the AXISAWARE
%  flag, but may in future.

%  Copyright 2000-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Input arguments
if nargin < 2
    axisAware = true;
if nargin < 3 || isempty(pm)
    pm = calibrationdata.progressmanager;

pm.notify('Converting to CAGE information...');

% Get identifiers
valueIdentifiers = cal.getValueIdentifiers;
axisIdentifiers = cal.getAxisIdentifiers;
axisIdentifierTypes = cal.pGetAxisIdentifierType(axisIdentifiers);
axisIdentifiers(~strcmp(axisIdentifierTypes,'public')) = []; % only public
curveIdentifiers = cal.getCurveIdentifiers;
mapIdentifiers = cal.getMapIdentifiers;

% Store lengths for convenience
nValues = length(valueIdentifiers);
nAxes = length(axisIdentifiers);
nCurves = length(curveIdentifiers);
nMaps = length(mapIdentifiers);

% Preallocate output
emptyStruct = struct('name',[],...
out = repmat(emptyStruct, nValues + nAxes + nCurves + nMaps, 1);

% Set up standard import message
message = sprintf('Loaded from %s', cal.Description);

% Values
if nValues > 0
    pm.notify(sprintf('Retrieving %d values...', nValues));
    values = cal.getValue(valueIdentifiers);
    valueDescriptions = get(values, {'Description'});
    valueValues = get(values, {'Value'});
    pm.notify(sprintf('Processing %d values...', nValues));
    for i = 1:nValues,
        this = emptyStruct;
        this.name = valueIdentifiers{i};
        this.description = valueDescriptions{i};
        this.info = message;
        this.data.X = valueValues{i};
        this.data.Y = 1;
        this.numaxes = 1;
        this.numrows = 1;
        this.numcols = 1;
        out(i) = this;

% Axes
if nAxes > 0
    pm.notify(sprintf('Retrieving %d axes...', nAxes));
    axes = cal.getAxis(axisIdentifiers);
    axisDescriptions = get(axes, {'Description'});
    axisValues = get(axes, {'Value'});
    axisIndices = get(axes, {'Index'});
    pm.notify(sprintf('Processing %d axes...', nAxes));
    for i = 1:nAxes,
        this = emptyStruct;
        this.name = axisIdentifiers{i};
        this.description = axisDescriptions{i};
        this.info = message;
        this.data.X = axisValues{i};
        this.data.Y = axisIndices{i}-1; % CAGE is 0-based, axis is 1-based
        this.numaxes = 2;
        this.numrows = numel(this.data.X);
        this.numcols = 0;
        out(i+nValues) = this;

% Curves
if nCurves > 0
    pm.notify(sprintf('Retrieving %d curves...', nCurves));
    curves = cal.getCurve(curveIdentifiers);
    xAxes = cal.getAxis(get(curves, {'XAxisIdentifier'}));
    curveDescriptions = get(curves, {'Description'});
    curveValues = get(curves, {'Value'});
    xAxisValues = get(xAxes, {'Value'});
    pm.notify(sprintf('Processing %d curves...', nCurves));
    for i = 1:nCurves,
        this = emptyStruct;
        this.name = curveIdentifiers{i};
        this.description = curveDescriptions{i};
        this.info = message;
        this.data.X = xAxisValues{i};
        this.data.Y = curveValues{i};
        this.numaxes = 2;
        this.numrows = length(this.data.X);
        this.numcols = 0;
        out(i+nValues+nAxes) = this;

% Maps
if nMaps > 0
    pm.notify(sprintf('Retrieving %d maps...', nMaps));
    maps = cal.getMap(mapIdentifiers);
    xAxes = cal.getAxis(get(maps, {'XAxisIdentifier'}));
    yAxes = cal.getAxis(get(maps, {'YAxisIdentifier'}));
    mapDescriptions = get(maps, {'Description'});
    mapValues = get(maps, {'Value'});
    xAxisValues = get(xAxes, {'Value'});
    yAxisValues = get(yAxes, {'Value'});
    pm.notify(sprintf('Processing %d maps...', nMaps));
    for i = 1:nMaps,
        this = emptyStruct;
        this.name = mapIdentifiers{i};
        this.description = mapDescriptions{i};
        this.info = message;
        this.data.X = xAxisValues{i};
        this.data.Y = yAxisValues{i};
        this.data.Z = mapValues{i};
        this.numaxes = 3;
        this.numrows = length(this.data.X);
        this.numcols = length(this.data.Y);
        out(i+nValues+nAxes+nCurves) = this;

pm.notify('Import completed.');