www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoppoint/convertGridToBlock.m

    function obj = convertGridToBlock(obj)
%CONVERTGRIDTOBLOCK Convert gridded factors into data blocks
%  OBJ = CONVERTGRIDTOBLOCK(OBJ) checks for the existence of any gridded
%  inputs and convertes them into blocks of data.

%  Copyright 2000-2009 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

isGrid = (obj.factor_type==1) & (obj.grid_flag==1);
if any(isGrid)
    % Convert these factors to be just chunks of data
    obj.grid_flag(isGrid) = 7;
    obj.range(isGrid) = {[]};
    % Record an original name so we can unassign this data block from its
    % original variable (i.e. treat as if imported data)
    myname = get(obj, 'factors');
    ToChange = isGrid & cellfun('isempty',obj.orig_name);
    obj = set(obj, find(ToChange), 'orig_name', myname(ToChange));
    obj = set(obj, find(isGrid), 'created_flag', zeros(1,sum(isGrid)));

% Always fix the block length if there are any blocks
if any(obj.grid_flag==7)
    % Set the blocklen to be the size of the dataset
    obj.blocklen = size(obj.data, 1);