www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptim/changeFreeVariables.m

    function optim = changeFreeVariables(optim,pFree)
%CHANGEFREEVARIABLES in optimization. 
% optim = changeFreeVariables(optim,pFree)
%  This routine assumes that free variables can be arbitrarily defined for
%  the algorithm (add,remove,rename). It probably only works well when
%  changing free variables to fixed or vice versa. 
%   Warnings may be produced if there are objectives or constraints that no
%   longer depend on free variables.

%  Copyright 2009 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Set free variables in optimization
opts = getSetup(optim);
% setup free variables
lbls = getFreeVariables(opts);
for i=1:length(lbls)
    % remove all free variables
    opts = removeFreeVariable(opts, lbls{i});
for i=1:length(pFree)
    % add all free variables
    opts = addFreeVariable(opts, pFree(i).getname);
optim = setSetup(optim,opts);
optim = set(optim,'values',pFree);