www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptim/checkFunctionFile.m

    function [status, msg] = checkFunctionFile(optim)
%CHECKFUNCTIONFILE Check the status of the function file
%  [STATUS, MSG] = CHECKFUNCTIONFILE(OPTIM) returns a status code and a
%  message that indicate the status of the selected function file for the
%  optimization.
%  STATUS contains an integer code indicating whether the function is in an
%  acceptable state.  A status of 0 indicates no problem, 1 indicates a
%  warning issue and 2 indicates an critical problem.  MSG is a string that
%  describes the problem and should be non-empty for a non-zero status.

%  Copyright 2005 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

status = 0;
msg = '';

% Check that we can still find the optimisation script.  We call which
% using a string input to ensure that we do not pick up inaccessible
% object methods.
scriptinfo = which([optim.fname '('''')']);
if isempty(scriptinfo)
    status = 2;
    msg = sprintf('Unable to locate file %s on the MATLAB path', optim.fname);
    % Check the file for syntax errors by setting a breakpoint (if there
    % is'nt one already)
    s = dbstatus(optim.fname);
    if isempty(s)
            dbstop('in', optim.fname);
            dbclear('in', optim.fname);
            status = 2;
            msg = sprintf('Optimization function %s contains a MATLAB syntax error', optim.fname);