www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptim/duplicatestores.m

    function obj = duplicatestores(obj, Proj)
%DUPLICATESTORES Perform duplication of variable stores for an optimization.
%   OBJ = DUPLICATESTORES(OBJ, PROJ) is called when an optimization is
%   duplicated.  This allows the optimization to change its unique ID and
%   duplicate the data it has stored in the variable dictionary.

%   Copyright 2005-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Generate a new unique object key
OldID = obj.SetupGUID;
obj.SetupGUID = guidarray(1);

% Duplicate optimization data stores in the variable dictionary
pDD = getdd(Proj);
pDD.duplicatevariablestore(OldID, obj.SetupGUID);

% Duplicate stores in variables that are not in the variable dictionary.
% These variables are always internal to one of the objectives or
% constraints
for n = 1:length(obj.Objectives)
    i_changevarstore(obj.Objectives{n}, OldID, obj.SetupGUID);
for n = 1:length(obj.Constraints)
    i_changevarstore(obj.Constraints{n}, OldID, obj.SetupGUID);

function i_changevarstore(item, OldID, NewID)
pInt = getInternalPtrs(item);
if ~isempty(pInt)
    pInputs = getInputs(item);
    pIntInputs = intersect(pInputs, pInt);
    if ~isempty(pIntInputs)
        passign(pIntInputs, pveceval(pIntInputs, @duplicatestore, OldID, NewID));
        passign(pIntInputs, pveceval(pIntInputs, @removestore, OldID));