www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptim/setinitialvaluedatafromtablevalues.m

    function optim = setinitialvaluedatafromtablevalues(optim, pInp, pTab)
%SETINITIALVALUESDATAFROMTABLEVALUES Set initial values from table values.
%   optimization initial values from table values. The required initial
%   values (pINP) are set to the values of the matched table (pTAB). 
%   Notes on the matched tables:
%   1. The matched tables must all have the same inputs
%   2. The inputs used for the matched tables are those specified in the
%   optimization

%   Copyright 2006-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.

% If no inputs specified, then return
nInp = length(pInp);
if ~nInp

% All table inputs must be dependent on the optimization free/fixed
% variables
cTabInps = pveceval(pTab, @getinports);
pTabInp = unique([cTabInps{:}]);
[isIndep, pDepInp] = cgisindependentvars(pTabInp, ...
        [getfreevalues(optim), getfixedvalues(optim)]);
if any(isIndep)

% All dependent inputs must have a common length or be scalar
depInpVal = getinitialvaluedata(optim, pDepInp);
lenInpVal = cellfun('size', depInpVal, 2);
maxLen = max(lenInpVal);
if ~all(lenInpVal == 1 | lenInpVal == maxLen)

% Specified inputs must be independent of the table axis inputs
if ~all(cgisindependentvars(pInp, pTabInp))

% Evaluate the tables at the input values specified by the optimization
tabData = pveceval(pTab, @evaluatematrix, pDepInp, depInpVal);

% Set the table data into the required input for the optimization
for n = 1:length(pInp)
    optim = setinitialvaluedata(optim, pInp(n), ...
        1:getNumRuns(optim), tabData{n});

%   imports data from a set of tables. pBASE, must be a pointer to a table
%   in CAGE. pINP must be a vector of pointers to the variables that
%   initial values should be set for.  pMATCH must be a vector of pointers,
%   the same size as pINP, which gives the source of the data for each
%   variable. Each element of pMATCH must either be:
%   a) A pointer to a table sharing the same grid points and normalizers as
%   pBASE. The data imported will be the values in the table.
%   or
%   b) One of the normalizers of pBASE. The data imported will be the
%   gridded values in the normalizers.
%   FILTERS must be a 1-by-4 boolean vector. Each element of FILTERS
%   indicates whether the data for the following cells (based on the base
%   table) will be exported
%   FILTERS(1): Export data from cells in extrapolation mask
%   FILTERS(2): Export data from cells not in extrapolation mask
%   FILTERS(3): Export data from locked cells
%   FILTERS(4): Export data from unlocked cells
%   Note that the number of points exported from the tables after
%   filtering must match the number of runs in the optimization.

% % Determine the grid points to be exported from the tables
% extrapMask = pBase.getExtrapolationMask;
% lockMask = logical(pBase.get('vlocks'));
% extrapCells = false(size(lockMask));
% if Filters(1)
%     extrapCells(extrapMask) = true;
% end
% if Filters(2)
%     extrapCells(~extrapMask) = true;
% end
% lockedCells = false(size(lockMask));
% if Filters(3)
%     lockedCells(lockMask) = true;
% end
% if Filters(4)
%     lockedCells(~lockMask) = true;
% end
% exportCells = extrapCells & lockedCells;
% % Is base table 2d?
% szBase = size(extrapMask);
% if all(szBase > 1)
%     BASETABLE2D = true;
% else
%     BASETABLE2D = false;
% end
% % Initialise match data cell
% AllData = cell(1, length(pMatch));
% % Find any gridded base table normalizer data
% pXNorm = pBase.get('x');
% AllData = i_getNormValues(AllData, pXNorm, pMatch, exportCells, szBase, false);
%     pYNorm = pBase.get('y');
%     AllData = i_getNormValues(AllData, pYNorm, pMatch, exportCells, szBase, true);
% end
% % Find any data from table values
% AllData = i_getTableValues(AllData, pMatch, exportCells);
% % Set the data in the optimization
% RunsToImport = 1:getNumRuns(optim);
% for n = 1:length(pMatch)
%     optim = setinitialvaluedata(optim, pInp(n), RunsToImport, AllData{n});
% end
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% function AllData = i_getNormValues(AllData, pXNorm, pMatch, exportCells, ...
%     szBase, isyNorm)
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% idxXNorm = findptrs(pXNorm, pMatch);
% if idxXNorm
%     xNorm = pXNorm.get('Breakpoints');
%     if isyNorm
%         xNorm = repmat(xNorm, 1, szBase(2));        
%     else
%         xNorm = repmat(xNorm', szBase(1), 1);        
%     end
%     xNorm = xNorm(exportCells);
%     xNorm = {xNorm(:)};
%     AllData(idxXNorm) = xNorm;
% end
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% function AllData = i_getTableValues(AllData, pMatch, exportCells)
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % Determine which of the matching pointers are tables
% istab = parrayeval(pMatch, @istable, {}, mbclogical);
% % Get the data for all the tables
% AllData(istab) = pveceval(pMatch(istab), @i_getTableData, exportCells);
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% function TabData = i_getTableData(Table, exportCells)
% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
% TabData = get(Table, 'values');
% TabData = TabData(exportCells);