www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptimoutput/getColumnNames.m

    function ColNames = getColumnNames(obj, varargin)
%GETCOLUMNNAMES Return column names for the specified data.
%   COLNAMES = GETCOLUMNNAMES(OBJ, OPTION, VALUE, ...) returns a cell array
%   of column names for the data that would be provided using the specified
%   options as inputs to one of the solution-providing methods.
%    Option          |  Value description
%    ----------------+------------------------------------------------
%    OutputFormat    |  One of 'cell' or 'matrix.  When 'cell', the output
%                    |  data will be a (1-by-NItems) cell array with each
%                    |  cell containing all of the values for that item.
%                    |  ColNames will be a (1-by-NItems) cell array
%                    |  containing a label for each item.  When 'matrix',
%                    |  the output data will be a 2-D matrix that contains
%                    |  all of the items' data concatenated into a
%                    |  (NRuns-by-NItemValues) array.  ColNames will be a
%                    |  (1-by-NItemValues) cell array containing an
%                    |  appropriate label for every column.
%                    |
%    OutputContents  |  A cell array containing any combination of the
%                    |  strings 'FreeVars', 'FixedVars', 'Objectives', 
%                    |  'Constraints', 'ConstraintLHS', 'ConstraintRHS' and 
%                    |  'ConstraintFeas'.  This specifies which values 
%                    |  should be present in the output data.

%   Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

opts = pParseGetOptions(varargin{:});
ColNames = pGenerateOutputNames(obj, opts);