www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptimoutput/setAcceptableToExitFlag.m

    function obj = setAcceptableToExitFlag(obj, Runs, Sols)
%SETACCEPTABLETOEXITFLAG Set acceptability flag to mirror exit status.
%   OBJ = SETACCEPTABLETOEXITFLAG(OBJ, RUNS, SOLS) alters the acceptability
%   flag of the specified runs and solutions to match the status of the
%   exit flag.  Exit flags <=0 are unacceptable solutions.  The
%   "AcceptableChanged" status of the runs and solutions is also reset back
%   to being false.

%   Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

if ischar(Runs) && strcmp(Runs, ':')
    Runs = 1:getNumRuns(obj);
if ischar(Sols) && strcmp(Sols, ':')
    Sols = 1:getNumSolutions(obj);
EF = getExitFlag(obj, Runs, Sols);
AcceptArray = EF>0;
obj = pSetAcceptable(obj, Runs, Sols, AcceptArray);

% Reset the flag that indicates whether the user has altered the ACCEPTABLE
% flag
F = pGetSolutionFlagNames;
obj = pSetSolutionFlags(obj, Runs, Sols, F.ACCEPTABLE_USER, false);