www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptimrunner/getLinearConstraintsOverHelper.m

    function [A, b] = getLinearConstraintsOverHelper(obj, datasetName, rowInd)
%GETLINEARCONSTRAINTSOVERHELPER return the linear constraint matrices
%   [A, B] = GETLINEARCONSTRAINTSOVERHELPER(OBJ) returns the A and B constraint
%   matrices that should be used during the optimization.  A will be a
%   (NLINCON-by-NFREEVALS) and B will be (NLINCON-by-1).

%   Copyright 2006-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.

A = obj.LinearConstraints.A;
if nargout>1
    % Compute the b values for the current fixed variable values
    b = obj.LinearConstraints.b;
    if ~isempty(obj.LinearConstraints.A2)
        if obj.CurrentRun == 0

        % Retrieve the fixed and free data from the data set. Set up some
        % dummy free variables so we can use pCreateEvalInputs.
        nRows = numel(rowInd);
        [unused, nFree] = numFreeValues(obj); 
        xfree = ones(nRows, sum(nFree));
        dsidx = getOperatingPointSetIndex(obj.Setup, datasetName);
        Data = pCreateEvalInputs(obj, xfree, 'dataset', dsidx, rowInd);
        % Filter out the free variable data. Note it is assumed that
        % helper data sets can only be used with scalar data.
        nVar = length(Data);
        XFixed = [Data{:}];
        FixedVariableIndices = setdiff(1:nVar, obj.FreeVariableIndices);
        XFixed = XFixed(:, FixedVariableIndices);

        b = repmat(b, 1, nRows) - obj.LinearConstraints.A2*XFixed';