www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptimrunner/private/pCopyOptimItems.m

    function ItemData = pCopyOptimItems(obj, optimitems, pAllInp, InLen, EvalTypes,DatasetIndices, RunCopy)
%PCOPYOPTIMITEMS Copy optim item data to static storage
%  makes copies of all of the cgoptimitem objects in the cell array
%  OPTIMITEMS in a way that makes them statically storable.   A structure
%  of information is returned that has the following fields:
%    Items              :  Cell array of statically-converted items.
%    InputIndices       :  The inputs that each item requires.
%    OutputLengths      :  The number of outputs from each item.
%    EvaluationData     :  Structure of data that is specific to each
%                          specified EVALTYPE.  This structure contains:
%       EvaluationFunction :  Function handle to staticXYZ method that
%                             should be used in the optim item.
%       ExpressionStore    :  cgoptimexprgroup that contains static copies
%                             of all the expressions for the items.
%       ExpressionDeps     :  Cell array of sparse matrices indicating
%                             which input data affects each expression output.
%       ExpressionGradFcn  :  Empty.
%  ITEMDATA = PCOPYOPTIMITEMS(..., false) makes a copy of the optim items
%  that only contains the data required for supporting the cgoptimoutput
%  object.

%  Copyright 2005-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Create an empty output data structure
ItemData = pCreateItemDataStruct;

% Get data that is shared between all eval types
staticitems = optimitems;
pInputs = cell(size(staticitems));
InputIdx = cell(size(staticitems));
OutputLen = zeros(size(staticitems));
for n = 1:numel(staticitems)
    pInputs{n} = getInputs(staticitems{n});
    InputIdx{n} = findptrs(pInputs{n}, pAllInp);
    Len = InLen(InputIdx{n});
    if DatasetIndices(n)
        % replace inputs with dataset length
        DS = obj.DataSetData(DatasetIndices(n));
        Len(Len~=1)=   size(DS.Data,1);
        staticitems{n} = convertToStatic(staticitems{n},DS);
        staticitems{n} = convertToStatic(staticitems{n},[]);
    OutputLen(n) = getNumOutputs(staticitems{n}, Len);
ItemData.Items = staticitems;
ItemData.InputIndices = InputIdx;

ItemData.OutputLengths = OutputLen;
ItemData.Datasets = DatasetIndices;

% Loop over eval types and create sub-structure for each one.  The
% expressions and the expression dependency matrices are collected into
% single objects and the item offset index into these for each evaluation
% type is saved.
NumEvalTypes = length(EvalTypes);
pExpr = cell(1,NumEvalTypes*length(staticitems));
Funcs = cell(1,NumEvalTypes*length(staticitems));
for k = 1:NumEvalTypes
    ItemOffset = (k-1)*length(staticitems);
    for n = 1:length(optimitems)
        [pExpr{ItemOffset+n}, Funcs{ItemOffset+n}] = ...
            getStaticExpressions(optimitems{n}, EvalTypes{k});

    SubData.EvaluationFunction = str2func(sprintf('static%s', EvalTypes{k}));
    SubData.ItemDataOffset = ItemOffset;
    SubData.ExpressionGradFcn = [];
    ItemData.EvaluationData.(EvalTypes{k}) = SubData;

if ~isempty(optimitems)
    staticgroup = cgoptimexprgroup(pExpr, Funcs, pAllInp);
    staticgroup = cgoptimexprgroup({}, {}, mbcpointer(1,0));
ItemData.ExpressionStore = staticgroup;

% Create dependency matrices
DepMatrix = {};
if numel(optimitems)>0 && RunCopy
    % Create a free variable dependency matrix for each group of
    % expressions.  This is used for numjac calls.

    % Get the inputs needed for each output expression
    InputDep = getRequiredInputs(staticgroup);
    FreeVarInd = obj.FreeVariableIndices;
    NfreeVar = length(FreeVarInd);
    NFreeVarVals =  sum(InLen(FreeVarInd));

    % Form one big dependency matrix and then split into smaller ones for
    % each group
    NExpr = numOutputs(staticgroup);
    OutLen = zeros(1, NExpr);
    for n = 1:length(OutLen)
        OutLen(n) = max(InLen(InputDep{n}));

    BigDep = zeros(sum(OutLen), NFreeVarVals);
    % Loop over the expressions and their inputs to decide how each
    % expression value depends on each free variable value
    pStart = 0;
    pEnd = 0;
    qStart = [1, cumsum(InLen(FreeVarInd))+1];
    qEnd = cumsum(InLen(FreeVarInd));
    for p = 1:NExpr
        pStart = pEnd + 1;
        pEnd = pStart + OutLen(p) -1;

        for q = 1:NfreeVar
            if any(FreeVarInd(q)==InputDep{p})
                if InLen(FreeVarInd(q))==OutLen(p)
                    % Vector input: each output depends on one of the
                    % inputs
                    BigDep(pStart:pEnd, qStart(q):qEnd(q)) = eye(OutLen(p));
                    % Scalar input: every output depends on it
                    BigDep(pStart:pEnd, qStart(q):qEnd(q)) = 1;

    % Split into groups
    DepMatrix = cell(size(pExpr));
    pStart = 0;
    pEnd = 0;
    ExprStart = 0;
    ExprEnd = 0;
    ExprIdx = 0;
    for p = 1:length(DepMatrix)
        ExprStart = ExprEnd + 1;
        ExprEnd = ExprStart + length(pExpr{p}) - 1;
        pStart = pEnd + 1;
        pEnd = pStart + sum(OutLen(ExprStart:ExprEnd)) - 1;
        DepMatrix{p} = sparse(BigDep(pStart:pEnd, :));
ItemData.ExpressionDeps = DepMatrix;