www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgoptimtablefiller/getDependentPtrs.m

    function pDep = getDependentPtrs(obj)
%GETDEPENDENTPTRS List of dependent pointers 
%   PDEP = GETDEPENDENTPTRS(OBJ) returns a list of dependent pointers for
%   this item.  A dependent pointer is a pointer to an object connected to
%   the current which belongs to another CAGE object.

%   Copyright 2006-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Return all pointers this object currently holds

pFilterDep = cell(1,length(obj.filterfcns));
for i=1:length(obj.filterfcns)
    if ~isempty(obj.filterfcns{i})
        f = getDependentPtrs(obj.filterfcns{i});
        pFilterDep{i} = f(:)';

pDep = [obj.tables, obj.fillfactors, pFilterDep{:}, obj.normalizerlinks(:)'];
pDep = pDep(~isnull(pDep));