www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgprecfloat/physresolve.m

    function PhysValuesOut = physresolve(Prec, PhysValuesIn)
%PHYSRESOLVE  Resolve to achievable physical values.
%   PhysValuesOut = PHYSRESOLVE(FLOATPREC, PhysValuesIn) converts unresolved
%   physical values PhysValuesIn to resolved physical values PhysValuesOut
%   using the achievable resolution specififed by the cgprecfloat object

%   Copyright 2000-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

if (Prec.mbits == 52 && Prec.ebits == 11 ) ||...
        (Prec.mbits == 23 && Prec.ebits == 8)
    % FLOATPREC is an IEEE single or double precision object
    % Error check on PhysValuesIn
    PhysValuesOut = i_check(Prec, PhysValuesIn, 'PhysValues');
    % Get physical range from the cgprecfix object FLOATPREC
    PhysRange = get(Prec, 'PhysRange');
    % The minimum achievable value is PhysRange(1)
    PhysValuesOut(PhysValuesIn<PhysRange(1)) = PhysRange(1);
    % The maximum achievable value is PhysRange(2)
    PhysValuesOut(PhysValuesIn>PhysRange(2)) = PhysRange(2);
    if Prec.mbits == 23
        % IEEE single precision
        PhysValuesOut = double(single(PhysValuesOut));
        % Otherwise it is IEEE double precision: no change to PhysValuesOut
    % Convert physical values to hardware values
    HWValues = phys2hw(Prec, PhysValuesIn);

    % Convert hardware values back to physical values
    PhysValuesOut = hw2phys(Prec, HWValues);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function out = i_check(Prec, in, VarName)

% Check input variables
switch VarName
    case 'PhysValues'
        if pCheckNumeric(Prec, in, true, VarName)
            % PhysValues is valid
            out = in;