www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgpreclookupfix/phys2hw.m

    function HWValues = phys2hw(LOOKUPFIXPREC, PhysValues)
%PHYS2HW  Convert physical values to hardware values.
%   HWValues = PHYS2HW(POLYFIXPREC, PhysValues) converts physical values
%   PhysValues to hardware values HWValues using a lookup table and
%   hardware precision described by the cgpreclookupfix object

%   Copyright 2000-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Error check on PhysValues
PhysValues = i_check(PhysValues, 'PhysValues');

% Clip the physical values to range specified by PhysRange
PhysValues = physresolve(LOOKUPFIXPREC, PhysValues);

% Fetch lookup table data and interpolation method for the physical to
% hardware conversion
TablePhysData = get(LOOKUPFIXPREC, 'TablePhysData');
TableHWData   = get(LOOKUPFIXPREC, 'TableHWData');

% Clip out of range values to the min/max of the table input range
PhysValues = min(PhysValues, TablePhysData(end));
PhysValues = max(PhysValues, TablePhysData(1));

% Find HWValues by linear interpolation, see 'help interp1' for more info
HWValues = interp1(TablePhysData, TableHWData, PhysValues);

% Round the pseudo-hardware values to the nearest admissible values
HWValues = hwresolve(LOOKUPFIXPREC, HWValues);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function out = i_check(in, VarName)

% Check input variables
switch VarName
    case 'PhysValues'
        if ~isnumeric(in)
            % PhysValues is nonnumeric
        elseif ~isreal(in)
            % PhysValues is not real
            % PhysValues is valid
            out = in;
        end % if
end % switch