www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgrangeconstraint/private/pGenerateFreeVariableFilter.m

    function fh = pGenerateFreeVariableFilter(optim)
%PGENERATEFREEVARIABLEFILTER Generate a free variable filter for the GUI
%   FH = PGENERATEFREEVARIABLEFILTER(OPTIM) returns a function handle to a
%   filter that will filter all variables that are not free variables. This
%   filter is used in the Expression Selector in the Range Constraint GUI.

%   Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

fh = @(pAllVars, pPROJ) inner(pAllVars, pPROJ);
    function pOut = inner(pAllVars, pPROJ)
        pOut = getfreevalues(optim);