www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgrangeconstraint/setLowerEvaluationMode.m

    function obj = setLowerEvaluationMode(obj, Mode)
%SETLOWEREVALUATIONMODE Set the current input evaluation settings
%   OBJ = SETLOWEREVALUATIONMODE(OBJ, RMODE) sets the evaluation functions
%   to apply to the inputs for the right hand sides of the lower bound
%   constraint. Each mode input must be one of the strings 'eval',
%   'constraint', 'pev' or one of the integer codes 0,1,2 which correspond
%   to each of these settings.  If either of the modes is an empty or if
%   RMODE is omitted then that input's setting is not changed.

%   Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Set the evaluation mode in the contained lower bound constraint
obj.LowerBound.info = setevaluationmode(obj.LowerBound.info, [], Mode);