www.gusucode.com > mbcdata 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdata/@cgtabgradconstraint/private/pConvHullGridFilter.m

    function map = pConvHullGridFilter(axisbp, pts)
%PCONVHULLGRIDFILTER Filter the grid points using a convex hull
%   MAP = PCONVHULLGRIDFILTER(AXISBP, PTS) returns a boolean map which
%   indicates whether each grid point is inside the boundary of the data.
%   The grid points are specified by the 1-by-NAXIS cell array of axis
%   breakpoints, AXISBP.
%   For 2-d tables, the boundary is determined using a convex hull. For 1-d
%   tables, the boundary is determined by taking the range of PTS.

%   Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.

% If there are no axis variables then just return empty
NAXES = length(axisbp);
if NAXES < 1
    map = [];

% If no data is specified, then return an empty map
if isempty(pts)
    map = [];

% Switch on table type
switch NAXES
    case 1
        % Just use range
        map = i_filter1dTable(axisbp, pts);
    case 2
        % Use convex hull
        map = i_filter2dTable(axisbp, pts);

function map = i_filter1dTable(axisbp, pts)

% Keep the grid points that are in the range of the data
map = (axisbp{1} >= min(pts)) & ...
    (axisbp{1} <= max(pts));

% Ensure a column vector is returned
map = map(:);

function map = i_filter2dTable(axisbp, pts)

% Generate the coninputfactor object 
inpNames = {'RowAxis', 'ColAxis'};
mn = cellfun(@min, axisbp);
ma = cellfun(@max, axisbp);
cif = coninputfactor(inpNames, [], [], mn, ma);

% Determine the convex hull
con = conconvexhull(cif);
con = findBoundaryPoints(con, getBoundaryPointOptions(con), pts);

% Evaluate the convex hull on the grid and return the boolean map
[xx, yy] = ndgrid(axisbp{:});
chd = constraintDistance(con, [xx(:), yy(:)]);
chd = chd < 1e-4; % Add a tolerance so boundary points are included
map = reshape(chd, size(xx));