www.gusucode.com > mbcdemos 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdemos/mbcConstraintsCmdLine.m

    %% Using Constraints
% This example shows how to create and apply constraints to a design using Model-Based Calibration
% Toolbox(TM) command-line interface.

% Copyright 2007-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create a Design
% Create a Full Factorial design, because this will show the constraint
% boundaries as clearly as possible. Create the design from inputs. For
% simplicity, only 2 inputs (speed and load) are used.
inputs = mbcmodel.modelinput(...
    'Symbol', {'N','L'},...
    'Name',   {'SPEED','LOAD'},...
    'Range',  {[500 6000],[0.0679 0.9502]});

design = CreateDesign( inputs, 'Type', 'Full Factorial' );
design = Generate( design, 'NumberOfLevels', [50 50] );
% design has a Constraints property, initially this is empty.
constraints = design.Constraints

%% Create a Linear Constraint
cLinear = CreateConstraint( design, 'Type', 'Linear' );
cLinear.A = [-2.5e-4, 1];
cLinear.b = 0.25;
design.Constraints = cLinear;
design = Generate(design);

%% Show Constraint
% Plot the points to show the linear constraint.
Scatter2D(design, 1, 2);
title( 'Linear Constraint' );

%% Create a 1D Table Constraint
cTable1d = CreateConstraint( design, 'Type', '1D Table' );
cTable1d.Table = [0.9 0.5];
cTable1d.Breakpoints = [500 6000];
design.Constraints = cTable1d;
design = Generate(design);

%% Show Constraint
% Plot the points to show the 1D Table constraint.
Scatter2D( design, 1, 2 );
title( '1D Table Constraint ' );

%% Combining Constraints
% Constraints is an array of the constraints to apply.
design.Constraints = [cLinear, cTable1d];
constraints = design.Constraints
design = Generate(design);

%% Show Constraint
% Plot the points to show both constraints.
Scatter2D( design, 1, 2 );
title( 'Linear and 1D Table Constraint ' );
