www.gusucode.com > mbcdemos 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdemos/mbcDataCmdLine.m

    %% Loading and Modifying Data
% This example shows how to load and modify data using Model-Based Calibration Toolbox(TM)
% command-line interface. Data can be loaded from files (Excel(R) files, MATLAB(R) files, text
% files) and from the MATLAB(R) workspace. You can define new variables, apply filters to remove
% unwanted data, and apply test notes to filtered tests.

% Copyright 2007-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load Data from Excel(R)
% Load data from holliday.xls.
dataFile = fullfile( matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'mbc', 'mbctraining', 'holliday.xls' );
data = mbcmodel.CreateData( dataFile );
get( data )

%% Plot Data 
% You can use the SignalName as an input to the Value method.
% Plot the first 5 tests.
x = zeros(10,5);
y = zeros(10,5);
name = cell(1,5);
% Collect the data as columns to pass to plot.
for tn = 1:5
    x(:,tn) = data.Value( 'spark', tn );
    y(:,tn) = data.Value( 'tq', tn );
    name{tn} = sprintf( 'Test %d', tn );
plot( x, y, 'x-' );
legend( name );
grid on
xlabel( sprintf( '%s [%s]', 'spark', data.SignalUnits{5} ) );
ylabel( sprintf( '%s [%s]', 'tq', data.SignalUnits{5} ) );
title( 'tq vs. spark' );

%% Remove Outliers and Problem Tests
% Add a filter to keep tests where the mean torque is greater than 10. 
% A filter is a constraint on the data set you can use to exclude some
% tests (test filter) or records (filter).
% You must call BeginEdit before making changes. The data is only updated
% when you call CommitEdit.
numberOfTestsBefore = data.NumberOfTests;
data.AddTestFilter( 'mean(tq)>10' );
numberOfTestsAfter = data.NumberOfTests;
fprintf( 'Removed %d tests.\n', numberOfTestsBefore-numberOfTestsAfter );

%% Add New Variable
% You can add new variables to the data set.
data.AddVariable( 'POWER=tq*n' );
signalNamesBefore = data.SignalNames
% POWER is now in the list of SignalNames, and can be used to define other
% new variables.
data.AddVariable( 'POWER_SQUARED=POWER^2' );
signalNamesAfter = data.SignalNames

%% Apply a Filter
% Add a filter to keep only records where speed is greater than 1000.
numberOfRecordsBefore = data.NumberOfRecords;
data.AddFilter( 'n>1000' );
numberOfRecordsAfter = data.NumberOfRecords;
fprintf( 'Removed %d records.\n', numberOfRecordsBefore-numberOfRecordsAfter );
