www.gusucode.com > mbcdemos 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdemos/mbcDoeCmdLine.m

    %% Gasoline Case Study Design of Experiment
% This example shows how to design an experiment for the gasoline case study problem using the
% command-line interface to Model-Based Calibration Toolbox(TM). The gasoline case study describes
% how to systematically develop a set of optimal steady-state engine calibration tables using
% Model-Based Calibration Toolbox(TM) software.

% Copyright 2007-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create Project and Test Plan
project = mbcmodel.CreateProject('GasolineCaseStudy');
% Define Inputs for test plan
localInputs = mbcmodel.modelinput(...
    'Symbol', 'S',...
    'Name', 'SPARK',...
    'Range', [0 50]);
globalInputs = mbcmodel.modelinput(...
    'Symbol', {'N','L','ICP','ECP'},...
    'Name',   {'SPEED','LOAD','INT_ADV','EXH_RET'},...
    'Range',  {[500 6000],[0.0679 0.9502],[-5 50],[-5 50]});
% Create test plan
TP = CreateTestplan( project, {localInputs,globalInputs} );

%% Create Space-Filling Design
% |CreateDesign| defaults to creating a design for the outer (global)
% level.
sfDesign = CreateDesign(TP, ...
    'Type', 'Latin Hypercube Sampling',...
    'Name', 'Space Filling');

%% Add Boundary Constraints
% Load boundary constraints from another project file and add to design.
otherProject = mbcmodel.LoadProject( [matlabroot,'\toolbox\mbc\mbctraining\Gasoline_project.mat']);
boundaryConstraints = otherProject.Testplans(1).BoundaryModel('global');
% Design constraints are specified as an array of
% mbcdoe.designconstraint objects.
sfDesign.Constraints = boundaryConstraints;

%% Change Selection Criteria of LHS Design
% Get the design properties and change the SelectionCriteria to 'minimax'.
% Putting the changed properties back into the design causes the design to
% update.
designGenerator = sfDesign.Generator;
% Use "minimax" 
designGenerator.SelectionCriteria = 'minimax'
sfDesign.Generator = designGenerator;

%% Get Required Number of Points for a Constrained Design.
% As in the Design Editor, when a design has constraints it is hard to
% achieve the number of points you require. In the design editor you try
% different numbers of points and regenerate. At the command line you can
% use the |ConstrainedGenerate| method to do this.

%% Generate Design
% Use |ConstrainedGenerate| to make a 200 point design. 
sfDesign = ConstrainedGenerate( sfDesign, 200, 'UnconstrainedSize', 800, 'MaxIter',10  );

% How did we do?
finalNumberOfPoints = sfDesign.NumberOfPoints
% How many points did we need in total?
totalNumberOfPoints = sfDesign.Generator.NumberOfPoints

%% Generate Design for Parked Cam Phasers
% Make another design for some points with parked cam phasers. These points
% are important because you need an accurate model when cams are parked.
parkedCamsDesign = sfDesign.CreateDesign( 'Name', 'Parked' );
parkedCamsDesign = ConstrainedGenerate( parkedCamsDesign, 10, 'UnconstrainedSize', 40, 'MaxIter',10  );

% Explicitly set ECP and ICP to 0 - this changes the 'Type' to 'Custom'
designTypeBefore = parkedCamsDesign.Type
parkedCamsDesign.Points(:,3:4) = 0;
designTypeAfter = parkedCamsDesign.Type
% Merge with first design to create a new design
mainDesign = Merge( sfDesign, parkedCamsDesign );
mainDesign.Name = 'Main Design';

%% Plot Design Points
% Scatter2D is a method of mbcdoe.design.
designPoints = mainDesign.Points;
inputs = mainDesign.Inputs;
Scatter2D( mainDesign, 1, 2 );
Scatter2D( mainDesign, 3, 4 );

%% Add the Designs to the Test Plan
% Testplans have a Design property that is a cell array (one cell for each
% stage). Here you add the designs to the 2nd stage.
TP.Design{2} = [sfDesign parkedCamsDesign mainDesign];

%% Set the BestDesign
% Testplans also have a BestDesign property (also a cell array). Set
% the Best Design for the 2nd stage.
TP.BestDesign{2} = mainDesign

%% Create Validation Design
% Make another space-filling design for collecting validation data.
validationDesign = sfDesign.CreateDesign( 'Name', 'Validation' );
validationDesign = ConstrainedGenerate( validationDesign, 25, 'UnconstrainedSize', 100, 'MaxIter',10  );

% Add the parked cams point.
validationDesign.Points(end+1,:) = [3500 0.5 0 0];
% Add this to testplan as well - when you add one design only, using
% AddDesign is more convenient. By default this adds the design to 2nd
% stage. 
% Note: alternatively, you could add the design to TP.Design{2} directly.
% The list of designs for the 2nd stage
allDesigns = TP.Design{2}
