www.gusucode.com > mbcdemos 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdemos/mbcPointByPointCmdLine.m

    %% Point-by-point Modeling for a Diesel Engine
% This example shows how to use the Model-Based Calibration Toolbox(TM)
% command-line functionality for point-by-point engine modeling projects.  
% Multiple injection diesel engines and gasoline direct-injection engines
% can often only be modeled with point-by-point models. You can use
% point-by-point models to build a model at each operating point of an
% engine with the necessary accuracy to produce an optimal calibration.
% Point-by-point command-line functionality is necessary to handle the
% complexity of developing designs for each operating point.  
% Why are point-by-point models necessary? Engine actuators and sensors are
% continually being added to Engine Management Systems (EMS) in response to
% ever-increasing  engine emissions, fuel economy, and performance
% requirements.  In some cases, optimal engine calibration development
% processes that rely on two-stage modeling may no longer be able to model
% engine performance responses with sufficient accuracy across the engine
% operating range. Point-by-point models can provide the necessary model
% accuracy at measured operating points. However, point-by-point models
% do not provide estimated responses at other operating points.
% This example uses the two-stage models generated in the diesel case
% study as a surrogate for an engine dynamometer or CAE engine model, in
% order to generate the point-by-point data for this example. The
% example shows you how to:
% * Generate local designs at each operating point. If insufficient
%   design points can be collected, you can augment the local design
%   using Sobol sequences. 
% * Create local *_multiple models_* to model each of the responses at each
%   operating point.
% * Build a point-by-point boundary model to define the data
%   boundary at each operating point for later use in calibration
%   optimization. 
% Finally, you must visually inspect the fitted models to verify that the
% model quality is acceptable. You usually need to identify and remove
% outliers. You can use the command-line to plot diagnostics and remove
% outliers, but it is easier to use the graphical and statistical tools in
% the Model Browser (mbcmodel) provided in the Model-Based Calibration
% Toolbox.

% Copyright 2009-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load Models from Diesel Project
% This example uses engine data generated from the models in the
% diesel case study.
DieselProject = mbcmodel.LoadProject(fullfile(mbcpath,'mbctraining','Diesel_project.mat'));
% Store the models in a structure for convenience
DieselResponses = DieselProject.Testplans.Responses;
Models.BTQ = DieselResponses(1);
Models.VGTSPEED = DieselResponses(2);
Models.EQREXH = DieselResponses(3);
Models.PEAKPRESS = DieselResponses(4);
Models.NOX = DieselResponses(6);
Models.EGRMF = DieselResponses(7);

%% Define Inputs for Point-by-Point Models and Create Local Model
% * The operating point variables are speed (SPEED) and brake torque
%   (BTQ).
% * The local inputs are main start of injection (MAINSOI), fuel
%   pressure (FUELPRESS), variable gate turbo position (VGTPOS), and
%   exhaust gas recirculation position (EGRPOS).
OperatingPointInputs = mbcmodel.modelinput('Symbol',{'SPEED','BTQ'},...
    'Range',{[1600 2200],[0 1600]});
LocalInputs = mbcmodel.modelinput('Symbol',{'MAINSOI','FUELPRESS','VGTPOS','EGRPOS'},...
    'Range',{[-9 3],[90 160],[0.2 0.9],[0.5 5]});
% Create a local multiple model
L = mbcmodel.CreateModel('Point-by-Point',LocalInputs);
% Select the best model using the PRESS RMSE statistic.
L.Properties.SelectionStatistic = 'PRESS RMSE';

%% Define Engine Operating Points
% The design for the operating points is a 7 point drive cycle.
Xg = [2200.0 1263.0
    2200.0	947.0
    2200.0	632.0
    2200.0	126.0
    1600.0	1550.0
    1600.0	1163.0
    1600.0	775.0];

OperatingPointDesign = CreateDesign(OperatingPointInputs);
OperatingPointDesign.Points = Xg;
OperatingPointDesign.Name = 'Drive cycle';

%% Create a Local Design for Each Operating Point 
% For each operating point, adjust limits for main injection, fuel pressure
% and VGTPOS, and generate a 128 point Sobol design.
localDesign = CreateDesign(LocalInputs,'Type','Sobol Sequence');
localDesignGenerator = localDesign.Generator;
NumLocalPoints = 128;
localDesignGenerator.NumberOfPoints = NumLocalPoints;
DList = mbcdoe.design.empty( 0, 1);

data = [];
for i = 1:OperatingPointDesign.NumberOfPoints;
    OperatingPoint = OperatingPointDesign.Points(i,:);
    speed = OperatingPoint(1);
    TQDemand = OperatingPoint(2);
    %% Name the Local Design by Operating Point
    localDesign.Name = sprintf('Test %2d (%s=%4.0f,%s=%3.0f)', i,...
    %% Set Up Limits Depending on Speed for Local Inputs
    % When you use the Limits property to specify the input
    % range, you generate a Sobol design with exactly NumLocalPoints points.
    f = (speed-1600)/(2200-1600);    
    % The main soi range varies from [-3,3] at 1600 rpm to
    % [-9,-3] at 2200 rpm. 
    localDesignGenerator.Limits(1,:) = (1-f)*[-3,3] + f*[-9,-3];
    % The fuel pressure range varies from [90,130] at 1600 rpm to
    % [120,160] at 2200 rpm. 
    localDesignGenerator.Limits(2,:) = (1-f)*[90 120] + f*[110,160];
    % The VGTPOS range varies from [0.2,0.4] at 1600 rpm to
    % [0.6,0.9] at 2200 rpm. 
    localDesignGenerator.Limits(3,:) = (1-f)*[0.2 0.4] + f*[0.6 0.9];

    % set design properties and generate local design
    localDesign.Generator = localDesignGenerator;

    %% Collect Engine Data for Local Design 
    % Find the fuel required to obtain the demanded torque for each point in
    % the local design
    [Xlocal,XTS] = mbcSolveTQ(Models,localDesign.Points,speed,TQDemand);

    %% Augment Designs if Necessary
    % Check that enough points have been collected after running the 128
    % point DOE (design of experiment). Collect extra points by augmenting
    % the Sobol Sequence with the next N points in the sequence if
    % necessary.
    N =  NumLocalPoints;
    count = 1;
    while size(Xlocal,1) < NumLocalPoints*0.75 && count<10
        localDesign = Generate(localDesign,...
        N = N*2;
        % Find the fuel required to obtain the demanded torque for each point in
        % the augmented local design
        [Xlocalaug,XTSaug] = mbcSolveTQ(Models,localDesign.Points,speed,TQDemand);
        Xlocal = [Xlocal; Xlocalaug]; %#ok<AGROW>
        XTS = [XTS; XTSaug]; %#ok<AGROW>

    % Update points in the local design
    localDesign.Points = Xlocal;
    fprintf('%s: %d points\n',localDesign.Name,localDesign.NumberOfPoints);
    %% Collect Response Data 
    % Calculate response data from the diesel case study models
    BTQ = TQDemand*ones(size(Xlocal,1),1);
    AFR = 14.46./Models.EQREXH.PredictedValue(XTS);
    EGRMF = Models.EGRMF.PredictedValue(XTS);
    BSNOX = 3600*Models.NOX.PredictedValue(XTS)/159.5573;
    PEAKPRESS = Models.PEAKPRESS.PredictedValue(XTS)/1e6;
    VGTSPEED = Models.VGTSPEED.PredictedValue(XTS);
    BSFC = 5400.*XTS(:,3)./(BTQ*pi);
    %% Check Fit for BSFC
    % Check RMSE < 2
    [stats,Lbsfc] = Fit(L,Xlocal,BSFC);
    if stats(5)>2
        fprintf('Poor fit for test %d.\n',i)
    %% Accumulate Data and Local Designs 
    % You can ensure tests are automatically defined by defining a variable
    % 'logno'.
    data = [data ; Xlocal XTS(:,2:3) BTQ BSFC AFR EGRMF BSNOX PEAKPRESS VGTSPEED i*ones(size(Xlocal,1),1)]; %#ok<AGROW>
    DList(i) = localDesign;

%% Create Project and Test Plan
%  Create an mbcmodel project and build models
project = mbcmodel.CreateProject('DieselPointByPoint');
% Create test plan
TP = CreateTestplan( project, {LocalInputs,OperatingPointInputs} );
TP.Name = 'Point-by-point';

% Assign list of local designs to test plan
TP.Designs{1} = DList;
% Set as best design in test plan
TP.BestDesign{2} = OperatingPointDesign;

%% Make and Import Data Structure
D = project.CreateData();
s = D.ExportToMBCDataStructure;
s.varNames = {LocalInputs.Name 'SPEED', 'MAINFUEL','BTQ' 'BSFC' 'AFR' 'EGRMF' 'BSNOX' 'PEAKPRESS' 'VGTSPEED','logno'};
s.varUnits = {'deg','MPa','mm','ratio','rpm','mg/stroke','Nm','g/kWhr','ratio','ratio','g/kWhr','MPa','rpm',''};
s.data = data;


%% Build Point-by-Point Boundary Model
% Use a convex hull for local boundaries.
B = TP.Boundary.Local.CreateBoundary('Point-by-Point');
B.LocalModel = CreateBoundary(B.LocalModel,'Convex hull');
% Add point-by-point boundary model to project.

%% Build Response Models
% Use a local multiple model and no global model.
for i = 1:length(Responses)

%% Inspect and Refine Models
% Finally, you must visually inspect the fitted models to verify that the
% model quality is acceptable. You usually need to identify and remove
% outliers. You can use the command-line to plot diagnostics and remove
% outliers, but it is easier to use the graphical and statistical tools in
% the Model Browser (mbcmodel) provided in the Model-Based Calibration
% Toolbox.
% You must save the project to a file before loading it into the Model
% Browser.
%   project.Save('DieselPointByPoint.mat');
%   mbcmodel('DieselPointByPoint.mat')
