www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/+xregdesgui/PairwiseProj.m

    classdef PairwiseProj < xregdesgui.DesignView
    %xregdesgui.PairwiseProj class
    %   xregdesgui.PairwiseProj extends xregdesgui.DesignView.
    %    xregdesgui.PairwiseProj properties:
    %       Parent - Property is of type 'MATLAB array'
    %       Position - Property is of type 'rect'
    %       Enable - Property is of type 'on/off'
    %       Visible - Property is of type 'on/off'
    %       UserData - Property is of type 'MATLAB array'
    %       Tag - Property is of type 'string'
    %       MessageService - Property is of type 'handle'
    %       Options - Property is of type 'handle vector'
    %       Actions - Property is of type 'handle vector'
    %       UIContextMenu - Property is of type 'MATLAB array'
    %    xregdesgui.PairwiseProj methods:
    %       gettitle - Return a suitable title for a window
    %       printSize - Returns the preferred printing size for the component
    %       printCopy - Create a printer-friendly copy of pairwiseproj
     %  Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.
    properties (SetAccess=protected, AbortSet)
        %HTABLE Property is of type 'handle'
        hTable = [];
        %HTABLEDATA Property is of type 'handle'
        hTableData = [];
    methods  % constructor block
        function obj = PairwiseProj(varargin)
        %PAIRWISEPROJ Constructor for PairwiseProj object
        %  OBJ = PAIRWISEPROJ(PROP, VAL, ...) creates a new PairwiseProj object.
        obj@xregdesgui.DesignView(varargin{ : }); % converted super class constructor call
        obj.hTableData = xregdesgui.PairwiseProjData;
        obj.hTableData.DesignPackage = obj.MessageService;
        nodisp = axestext(obj.Parent,'visible','off', ...
            'string','2 or more factors required', ...
            'horizontalalignment','center', ...
        obj.hTable = mbcgui.widget.ClassicTable('Parent',obj.Parent, ...
            'ShowRowHeaders', true, ...
            'ShowColumnHeaders', true,...
            'RowHeaderWidth', 70,...
            'ColumnHeaderWidth', 60,...
            'MinimumCellSize', [150 150],...
            'MainConstructor', @i_createMainObject,...
            'RowConstructor', @i_createRowHeadObject,...
            'ColumnConstructor', @i_createColHeadObject, ...
            'MainData', obj.hTableData, ...
            'RowHeaderData', obj.hTableData,...
            'ColumnHeaderData', obj.hTableData,...
            'RowGap', 0,...
            'ColumnGap',0, ...
            'ColumnHeaderPosition', 'bottom', ...
            'MaximumObjectCacheSize', 15);
        obj.hTable.TopLeftCorner = obj.hTable.newCornerComponent('panel');
        obj.hTable.BottomRightCorner = obj.hTable.newCornerComponent;
        obj.hTable.EmptyTableComponent = nodisp;
        A1 = mbcgui.actions.ToggleAction({@i_setgraphsize, obj.hTable, 0, obj.Options}, ...
            '&Display All Graphs');
        A2 = mbcgui.actions.ToggleAction({@i_setgraphsize, obj.hTable, 100, obj.Options}, ...
        A3 = mbcgui.actions.ToggleAction({@i_setgraphsize, obj.hTable, 150, obj.Options}, ...
        A3.Selected = true;
        A4 = mbcgui.actions.ToggleAction({@i_setgraphsize, obj.hTable, 200, obj.Options}, ...
        obj.Options.Actions = [A1 A2 A3 A4];
        obj.ContentHandle = obj.hTable;
        end  % PairwiseProj
    end  % constructor block
    methods  % public methods
        function s = gettitle(obj) %#ok<MANU>
        %GETTITLE Return a suitable title for a window
        %  GETTITLE(OBJ) returns a string that can be used as the title for the
        %  view.
        s = 'Pairwise Projections';
        end  % gettitle
        function pUpdateGraph(obj, ~,~)
        %PUPDATEGRAPH Update the pairwise graphs
        %  PUPDATEGRAPH(OBJ) updates the display.
        % Force a table update
        end  % pUpdateGraph
        function sz = printSize(obj)
        %PRINTSIZE Returns the preferred printing size for the component
        %  SZ = PRINTSIZE(OBJ) returns a two element vector containing the
        %  preferred width and height for printing the component.  This method
        %  scales the current screen size so that each graph maintains its aspect
        %  ration, and adds 50 pixels for a title.
        % Get size of central table region
        sz = obj.Position(3:4) - [65 45];
        % Scale size by number of missing graphs
        nShowing = obj.hTable.getDisplaySize;
        nTotal = [obj.hTableData.getRowCount, obj.hTableData.getColumnCount];
        if all(nShowing>0)
            sz = sz.*fliplr(nTotal./nShowing);
        % Add room allowed for outer axes and a title
        sz = sz + [45 25] + [0 50];
        end  % printSize
        function newobj = printCopy(obj, fig)
        %PRINTCOPY Create a printer-friendly copy of pairwiseproj
        % Create a copy of the design data
        if obj.hasData
            dpnew = obj.MessageService.copy;
            dpnew = [];
        % Create a new table
        NewTableData = xregdesgui.PairwiseProjData;
        NewTableData.DesignPackage = dpnew;
        nodisp = axestext(fig,'visible','off', ...
            'string','2 or more factors required', ...
            'horizontalalignment','center', ...
        newtable = mbcgui.widget.ClassicTable('Parent',fig, ...
            'ShowRowHeaders',false, ...
            'MinimumCellSize', [0 0],...
            'MainData', NewTableData, ...
            'RowGap', 0,'ColumnGap',0);
        newtable.EmptyTableComponent = nodisp;
        layout = xreglayerlayout(fig, ...
            'border', [50 50 0 0], ...
            'elements', {newtable});
        newobj = obj.addPrintTitle(layout);
        end  % printcopy
    end  % public methods
    methods (Access=protected)
        function pPostSetMessageService(obj)
        %PPOSTSETMESSAGESERVICE Respond to change of MessageService
        %  PPOSTSETMESSAGESERVICE(OBJ) is called when the MessageService property
        %  is changed.
        % Clear the listeners and add new ones
        if ~isempty(obj.MessageService)
            obj.addMessageServiceListener( ...
                event.listener(obj.MessageService,'DesignChange',@obj.pUpdateGraph) ...
            pProp = obj.MessageService.findprop('DesignShowTestNumbers');
            if ~isempty(pProp)
                L = event.proplistener(obj.MessageService, ...
                    pProp, 'PostSet', @obj.pUpdateGraph);
        end  % pPostSetMessageService
end  % classdef

function h = i_createMainObject(P)
h = xregdesgui.PairwiseProjGraph('Parent',P,'Visible','off');
end  % i_createMainObject

function h = i_createRowHeadObject(P)
h = xregdesgui.PairwiseProjHeader('Parent',P,...
    'Min',-1, 'Max',1, ...
    'Orientation', 'vertical', ...
    'AxisEdgeOffset', 10);
end  % i_createRowHeadObject

function h = i_createColHeadObject(P)
h = xregdesgui.PairwiseProjHeader('Parent',P,...
    'Min',-1, 'Max',1, ...
    'Orientation', 'horizontal', ...
    'AxisEdgeOffset', 15);
end  % i_createColHeadObject

function i_setgraphsize(src, ~, hTable, size, AG)
hTable.MinimumCellSize = [size size];
set(AG.Actions, 'Selected', false);
src.Selected = true;
end  % i_setgraphsize

function h = i_createMainObjectPrintable(P)
h = xregdesgui.PairwiseProjGraph('Parent',P,...
    'DrawEdgeAxes', true, ...
    'AxesHittest', true);
end  % i_createMainObjectPrintable