www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/+xregdesgui/PairwiseProjData.m

    classdef PairwiseProjData < mbcgui.widget.ScrollTableData
    %xregdesgui.PairwiseProjData class
    %   xregdesgui.PairwiseProjData extends mbcgui.widget.ScrollTableData.
    %    xregdesgui.PairwiseProjData properties:
    %       DesignPackage - Property is of type 'handle'
    %    xregdesgui.PairwiseProjData methods:
    %       getColumnCount - Return the number of columns in the data model.
    %       getRowCount - Return the number of rows in the data model.
    %  Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

    properties (AbortSet)
        %DESIGNPACKAGE Property is of type 'handle'
        DesignPackage = [];
    methods  % public methods
        function nC = getColumnCount(obj)
        %GETCOLUMNCOUNT Return the number of columns in the data model.
        %   NC = GETCOLUMNCOUNT(OBJ) returns the number of columns in the data model.
        nC = obj.getRowCount;
        end  % getColumnCount
        function nR = getRowCount(obj)
        %GETROWCOUNT Return the number of rows in the data model.
        %   NR = GETROWCOUNT(OBJ) returns the number of rows in the data model.
        des = obj.DesignPackage;
        if isempty(des)
            nR = 0;
            desobj = des.getdesign;
            if isempty(desobj)
                nR = 0;
                nR = (nfactors(desobj)-1);
        end  % getRowCount
    end  % public methods
end  % classdef