www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@candidateset/propertypage.m

    function out=propertypage(obj,action,varargin)
%PROPERTYPAGE Create a property gui for CandidateSet
%   This should be overloaded by child classes
%   Interface:  Lyt = propertypage(cs,'layout',fig,p_cs)
%               Lyt = propertypage(cs,'update',lyt,p_cs,model)
%               Lyt = propertypage(cs,'finalise',lyt)
%               Lyt = propertypage(cs,'enable',lyt, ENSTATE)

%  Copyright 2000-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

switch lower(action)
    case 'layout'
    case 'update'
        % update is called to set values from a new candidate set in an
        % existing layout.
    case 'finalise'
        % finalise is called before the property page is shut down.
    case 'enable'
        % enable is called to disable or enable the editing page.
    case 'apply'
        % apply is called to ensure that all values in the UI are applied
        % to the object.

function lyt=i_createlyt(figh,p)
   'String','No Property Page has been defined for this Candidate Set.');
