www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@conbase/mv2sl.m

    function mv2sl(con, mdlFullPath)
%MV2SL Build a Simulink version of a constraint.

%   Copyright 2005-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

NF = nFactors( con );

% If the user hasn't supplied a file name then use a temporary one
if nargin < 2,
    [~, mdlFullPath] = fileparts(tempname);
[mdlPath, mdlName,ext] = fileparts( mdlFullPath );

if isempty( mdlPath ),
    mdlPath = pwd;
if isempty(ext)
   mdlFullPath = fullfile( mdlPath,[mdlName, '.', get_param(0,'ModelFileFormat')]);

currentDir = cd( mdlPath );

% Check the name of the model and create a new system if it doesn't
% already exist
if ~exist( mdlFullPath, 'file' ),
    new_system( mdlName );
open_system( mdlName );
set_param( mdlName, 'ModelBrowserVisibility', 'on' );

% Add a subsystem to hold the constraint
hSubsystem = i_AddBlock( 'built-in/SubSystem', mdlName, getName( con ) );
set_param( hSubsystem, 'position', [10, 10, 200, 20+30*NF] );

% Add inport blocks to the subsystem
cif = getInputFactors( con );
hInports = zeros( NF, 1 );
pos = [30, 0, 50, 20] ; %  LTRB
names = getFullNames( cif );
for i = 1:NF,
    hInports(i) = i_AddBlock( 'built-in/Inport', hSubsystem, names{i} );

    pos = pos + [0, 40, 0, 40];
    set_param( hInports(i), 'position', pos );

% Add a mux block to the subsystem
hMux = i_AddBlock( 'built-in/mux', hSubsystem, 'Mx1' );
set_param( hMux, 'position', [90, 40, 95, 20+40*NF], ...
    'inputs', num2str( NF ), ...
    'displayoption', 'bar', ...
    'ShowName', 'off' );

% Add the constraint block to the subsystem
[junk, hConstraint] = slblock( con, getfullname( hSubsystem ) );
set_param( hConstraint, 'position', [120, 40, 280, 20+40*NF] );

% Add outport blocks to the subsystem
hOutportInOut = i_AddBlock( 'built-in/Outport', hSubsystem, 'InOut' );
hOutportPoint = i_AddBlock( 'built-in/Outport', hSubsystem, 'Interior Point' );

set_param( hOutportInOut, 'position', [320, 40,    340, 60] );
set_param( hOutportPoint, 'position', [320, 40*NF, 340, 20+40*NF] );

% Wire up all the blocks in the system
for i = 1:NF,
    i_AddLine( hInports(i), 1, hMux, i );
i_AddLine( hMux, 1, hConstraint, 1 );
i_AddLine( hConstraint, 1, hOutportInOut, 1 );
i_AddLine( hConstraint, 2, hOutportPoint, 1 );

% Save system
save_system(mdlName, mdlFullPath );
cd( currentDir );

function hBlock = i_AddBlock( srcBlock, tgtSystem, blockName, varargin )

% Find and remove any slashes ('/') in the new block name
slashFreeName = strrep( blockName, '/', ' ' );

tgt = sprintf( '%s/%s', getfullname( tgtSystem ), slashFreeName );

hBlock = add_block( srcBlock, tgt, ...
    'MakeNameUnique', 'On', ...
    'LinkStatus', 'None', ...
    varargin{:} );

% If there were slashes in the given name then we try to reassign the block
% with the desired name.
if ~strcmp(slashFreeName, blockName),
        set_param( hBlock, 'Name', blockName );
        % The most likely cause of a slash in a block name is if the user
        % has used a slash in the variable name, symbol or units. These
        % informations are used to generate the input (inport) names for
        % the constraint block. If we fail with the renaming, the most
        % likely cause is that the user has more than one variable with the
        % same name, symbol and units. In this case, they will have to wear
        % the fact that their inport names are slightly odd (but only
        % slightly).

function i_AddLine( srcBlock, srcPort, tgtBlock, tgtPort )
% We assume that the srcBlock and tgtBlock belong to the same (sub) system.
% If they don't then there will no doubt be an error.
system = get_param( srcBlock, 'Parent' );
% Use the port handles as there may be funny characters in the names and
% it's better to avoid them
hSrcPorts = get_param( srcBlock, 'PortHandles' );
hTgtPorts = get_param( tgtBlock, 'PortHandles' );
% Add the line
add_line( system, ...
    hSrcPorts.Outport(srcPort), ...
    hTgtPorts.Inport(tgtPort), ...
    'autorouting', 'on' );
