www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@coninputfactor/Contents.m

% Files
%   cat            - Concatenate constraint input factors
%   char           - Convert constraint input factor object into a array of char
%   coninputfactor - Input factor object for Constraints
%   datatipinfo    - Produce a short description of a variable.
%   display        - The display method for the CONINPUTFACTOR class.
%   end            - Index of last element in constraint input factor
%   getMax         - GETMIN Get the maximum expected values for constraint input factors
%   getMin         - Get the mininum expected values for constraint input factors
%   getNames       - Get the names from a constraint input factor object
%   getRange       - Get the expected range for constraint input factors
%   getSymbols     - Get the symbols from a constraint input factor object
%   getUnits       - Get the units from a constraint input factor object
%   guiMatch       - Gui to allow the user to match one set of input factors to another
%   horzcat        - Horizontal concatenation of constraint input factors
%   length         - Length of a constraint input factor object, i.e., the number of factors 
%   p_EnsureRows   - Ensure all elements of the CONINPUTFACTOR are rows
%   p_Match        - Match two sets of input factors
%   setMax         - SETMIN Set the maximum expected values for constraint input factors
%   setMin         - Set the minimum expected values for constraint input factors
%   setNames       - Set the names of a constraint input factor object
%   setRange       - Set the expected range for constraint input factors
%   setSymbols     - Set the symbols of a constraint input factor object
%   setUnits       - Set the symbols of a constraint input factor object
%   size           - Size of a constraint input factor object
%   subsasgn       - Subscripted assignment for constraint factor objects
%   subsref        - Subscripted reference for constraint input factor objects
%   toString       - Convert constraint input factor object into a cell-string
%   vertcat        - Vertical concatenation of constraint input factors

%  Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.