www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@conrange/properties.m

    function [info, w] = properties( con, status )
%PROPERTIES  Return constraint information
%  INF=PROPERTIES(CON, STATUS) returns information for the constraint

%  Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

F = pBdrydevStatusFlags( xregbdrydev );

if bitand( F.ConstraintFitted, status ),
    cif = getActiveFactors( con );
    ai  = getActiveIndices( con );
    nf = length( cif );
    [mn, mx] = getRange( con );
    mn = mn(ai);
    mx = mx(ai);
    info = cell( nf, 2 );
    for i = 1:nf,
        info(i,1) = getFullNames( cif(i) );
        info{i,2} = sprintf( '[%g, %g]', mn(i), mx(i) );
    info = pInputFactorProperties( con );
w = repmat( 80, 1, size( info, 1 ) );