www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@constar/pSetModelCoding.m

    function con = pSetModelCoding(con)
%PSETMODELCODING Sets the coding information for the model held in a CONSTAR constraint.
%  The coding is should be performed by PCODEDATA and inverse coding by
%  See also CONSTAR, 
%  One of the complicated issues with respect to modeling and constraints is
%  coding the input factors. In order to produce meaningful models, it is
%  necessary to code the data to some appropriate domain. In the case of RBF
%  models this domain is [-1,1]^d. However, in the constraint world coding of
%  this form does not take place as it keeps everything simple. We now get to
%  star-shaped constraints. These are a little complicated as they exist in an
%  intersection of these two worlds.
%  The RBF model held inside the constraint controls the coding. If any task
%  needs to happen in coded units, the RBF will perform the necessary coding.
%  The CENTER of the star-shaped region will be stored in NATURAL UNITS. This
%  means that any center determination algorithm either has to work in natural
%  units or do its own scaling of data. 
%  The coding will be applied to data shifted by the center, i.e., the center of
%  the coded space will be the coded version of [0,...,0].

%  Copyright 2004-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

cif = getActiveFactors( con );
mn = cif.Min - con.Center;
mx = cif.Max - con.Center;
con.Model = setcode( con.Model, [mn(:), mx(:)] );
