www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@constar/properties.m

    function [info, w] = properties( con, status )
%PROPERTIES  Return constraint information
%  INF=PROPERTIES(CON, STATUS) returns information for the constraint
%  INF = PROPERTIES(CON) returns information for the constraint such as the
%  center of the model, information about the RBF and the transform used.

%  Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

F = pBdrydevStatusFlags( xregbdrydev );

% Check if we have information about the center
if bitand( F.CanFindBoundaryPoints, status ),
    % Yes, we have valid info
    % -- the center info includes info about the active factors
    factorInfo = i_centerInfo( con );
    % The center is not yet valid so just display a list of active factors
    factorInfo = pInputFactorProperties( con );

% Bring the various bits of info together
info = [ ...
        i_rbfInfo( con )
        {'Transform', con.Transform}

w = repmat( 80, 1, size( info, 1 ) );

function info = i_centerInfo( con )

cif = getActiveFactors( con );
nf = length( cif );
center = getCenter( con );
info = cell( nf, 2 );
for i = 1:nf,
    info{i,1} = sprintf( '   %s', cif.Name{i} );
    info{i,2} = sprintf( '%g', center(i) );

info = [{'Center:', ''}; info];

function info = i_rbfInfo( con )

rbf = get( con.Model, 'rbfpart' );
info = {'Kernel', get( rbf, 'kernel' )};

% if ismember( lower( info{1,2} ), {'wendland', 'gaussian', 'logistrbf', ...
%         'multiquadric', 'recmultiquadric'} ),
    info = [info; {'Width', num2str( get( rbf, 'width' ) )}];
% end

if strcmpi( info{1,2}, 'wendland' ),
    info{1,2} = sprintf( 'Wendland C%d', get( rbf, 'cont' ) );