www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@conswitch/syncToModel.m

    function conModel = syncToModel(conModel,m,OpPoints)
%SYNCTOMODEL synchronize constraints to model
%   conModel = syncToModel(conModel,m)

%   Copyright 2005-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin>2 && isequal(size(OpPoints),size(conModel.OpPoints))
    conModel.OpPoints = OpPoints;

% make sure boundary model is consistent
cif = getInputFactors(conModel);
% make sure the ranges are the same otherwise the tolerances will be
% awry

R = getranges(m);
if ~isequal(R,getRange(cif));
    cif = setRange(cif,R);
    conModel = setInputFactors(conModel,cif);
    conModel = setTolerance(conModel,getTolerance(m));
% the boundary model operating points
ConstraintOpPoints = getSwitchPoints(conModel);
Xg = getSwitchPoints(m);
[~,~,KeepLast] = mbcUniqueFilters(Xg);

if ~isequal(ConstraintOpPoints,double(Xg))
    % the operating points can be different if some of the boundary models didn't fit
    %  Note, ismember chooses the last item in ConstraintOpPoints if there are nonunique
    %  points.
    [ok,loc] =ismember(double(Xg(KeepLast,:)),ConstraintOpPoints,'rows');
    conModel = selectModels(conModel,loc(ok));
elseif ~all(KeepLast)
    conModel = selectModels(conModel,KeepLast);