www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@contwostage/pslAddBlock.m

    function hBlock = pslAddBlock(con, hSystem)
%PSLADDBLOCK Add a Simulink block for the constraint to the given system

%  Copyright 2005-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Load the library with the constraint blocks
load_system( 'mbcSLConstraints' );

% Start with the star-shaped constraint template block from the library.
% Form the string for the source block
src = sprintf( 'mbcSLConstraints/%s', class( con ) );
% Form the string for the target block
tgt = sprintf( '%s/%s - %s', getfullname( hSystem ), getName( con ), class( con ) );
% add the new block
hBlock = add_block( src, tgt, 'MakeNameUnique', 'On', 'LinkStatus', 'None' );

% Parameters
ngm = numel( con.Global );     % number of global models
gi  = getGlobalIndices( con ); 
li  = getLocalIndices(  con );
nf  = nFactors( con );

blk = getfullname( hBlock );

% Setup the selector blocks
set_param( [blk, '/Local Selector'], 'InputPortWidth', sprintf( '%g ', nf ),...
    'Elements', ['[', sprintf( '%g ', li ), ']']);
set_param( [blk, '/Global Selector'], 'InputPortWidth', sprintf( '%g ', nf ) ,...
    'Elements', ['[', sprintf( '%g ', gi ), ']'] );

set_param( [blk, '/Mx1'], 'inputs', num2str( ngm ), 'displayoption', 'bar' );

% Replace the "Local Constraint" block with a block for the actual local
% constraint
localBlk = add_block( ...
    sprintf( 'mbcSLConstraints/Local %s', class( con.Local ) ), ...
    sprintf( '%s/Local - %s', blk, class( con.Local ) ),...
    'MakeNameUnique', 'On', 'LinkStatus', 'None' );
i_replace_block( [blk, '/Local Constraint'], localBlk );
i_slSetLocalParameters( con.Local, localBlk );

% We need to put in some coding if we have a friend, i.e., if we have an
% historical constraint.
if ~isempty( con.LocalFriend ),
    localBlockInport1 = [sprintf( 'Local - %s', class( con.Local ) ), '/1'];
    delete_line( blk, 'Local Selector/1', localBlockInport1 );
    codeBlock = codebuild( con.LocalFriend, blk, 'Local Code' );
    set_param( codeBlock, 'Position', [215, 40, 295, 90] );
    add_line( blk, 'Local Selector/1', 'Local Code/1', 'autorouting','on' );
    add_line( blk, 'Local Code/1', localBlockInport1, 'autorouting','on' );
    localBlockOutport2 = [sprintf( 'Local - %s', class( con.Local ) ), '/2'];
    delete_line( blk, localBlockOutport2, 'Mx2/1' );
    invcodeBlock = codebuild( con.LocalFriend, blk, 'Local Invcode', true );
    set_param( invcodeBlock, ...
        'Position', [510, 205, 590, 255], ...
        'ForegroundColor', 'red' );
    add_line( blk, localBlockOutport2, 'Local Invcode/1', 'autorouting','on' );
    add_line( blk, 'Local Invcode/1', 'Mx2/1', 'autorouting','on' );

% Add the global model blocks
pos = [155, 156, 265, 194];
for i = 1:ngm,
    nm = sprintf( 'Global (%d)', i );
    globalBlk = modelbuild( con.Global{i}, blk, nm, false );

    % Position below the last global model
    pos = pos + [0, 60, 0, 60];
    set_param( globalBlk, 'position', pos );
    % Wire up to the global selector and the mux block
    add_line( blk, 'Global Selector/1', [nm, '/1'], 'autorouting','on' );
    add_line( blk, [nm, '/1'], ['Mx1/', sprintf( '%d', i )], 'autorouting','on' );


function pos = i_replace_block( oldblk, newblk )
pos = get_param( oldblk, 'position' );
delete_block( oldblk );
set_param( newblk, 'position', pos );

function i_slSetLocalParameters(con, sys)
%I_SLSETLOCALPARAMETERS Sets the parameters for a Simulink model of a Local constraint.

% Get up user data structure for this constraint
ud = pslGetLocalParameters( con );

if ~isempty( ud ),
    % The initialization command has to get all of the data from the user
    % structure and assign it to the variables that the block is expecting
    fn = fieldnames( ud );
    nFields = length( fn );
    maskInitialization = cell( nFields, 1 );
    for i = 1:nFields,
        maskInitialization{i} = sprintf( '%s = ud.%s; ', fn{i}, fn{i} );
    maskInitialization = strcat( ...
        'ud = get_param( gcb, ''UserData'' ); ', ...
        maskInitialization{:} );

    % Assign the user data to the block
    set_param( sys, 'UserData', ud );
    set_param( sys, 'UserDataPersistent', 'on' );
    set_param( sys, 'MaskInitialization', maskInitialization );
