www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@cset_ccd/designproperties.m

    function p = designproperties(c,p,m)
%DESIGNPROPERTIES properties for command-line
% p = designproperties(c,p)

%  Copyright 2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

CLSID = mfilename('class');
[p,OK] = PersistentStore(p,CLSID);
if ~OK
    p = iMakeProps(c,p,m);

function p = iMakeProps(c,p,m)

p = designproperties(c.candidateset,p,m);
p = addprop(p,'NumberOfCenterPoints',...
    @iGetCenterPoints, @iSetCenterPoints,...
    'int',[0 Inf],...
    'Number of center points'); 
p = addprop(p,'StarPoints',...
    @iGetStarPoints, @iSetStarPoints,...
	'enum',{'FaceCenteredCube', 'Spherical', 'Rotatable', 'Custom'},...
    'Star point position');

p = addprop(p,'Inscribe',...
    @iGetInscribe, @iSetInscribe,...
    'Inscribe points');

p = addprop(p,'Alpha',...
    @iGetAlpha, @iSetAlpha,...
    'Star point location');

function v = iGetCenterPoints(c,m)

v = c.Nc;

function c = iSetCenterPoints(c,v,m)

c.Nc = v;

function v = iGetStarPoints(c,m)

a = get(c,'alpha');
nf = nfactors(m);
if all(a==1)
    v = 'FaceCenteredCube';
elseif all(abs(a-sqrt(nf))<1e-10)
    v = 'Spherical';
elseif all(abs(a-(2^(nf/4)))<1e-10)
    v = 'Rotatable';
    v  = 'Custom';

function c = iSetStarPoints(c,v,m)

a = get(c,'alpha');
nf = nfactors(m);
switch v
    case 'FaceCenteredCube'
        val = 1;
    case 'Spherical'
        val = sqrt(nf);
    case 'Rotatable'
        val = 2^(nf/4);
        val = 0.5;
a(:) = val;
c = set(c,'alpha',a);

function v = iGetInscribe(c,m)
v = logical(c.inscribe);

function c = iSetInscribe(c,v,m)

c.inscribe = v;

function v = iGetAlpha(c,m)

v= get(c,'alpha');

function c = iSetAlpha(c,v,m)
c = set(c,'alpha',v);