www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/+cgsimfill/@EvalPoints/CreateModel.m

    function pMod= CreateModel(V, CGP, names, pExpressions)
%CREATEMODEL create a model with links
% pMod= CreateModel(F, CGP, NAMES, PEXRESSIONS)

%   Copyright 2005-2008 The MathWorks, Inc.

if ~iscell( names )
    % make sure we have a name for each model.
    names = repmat( {names}, size( pExpressions ) );

for i=length(pExpressions)
    pExpr= pExpressions(i);
    % make feature model for this expressions
    pModNode = cgExpr2Model(pExpr, CGP, names{i}, false );
    % get the cgmodexpr from the node
    pMod= pModNode.getdata;
    % get the list of model inputs
    pModelInputs = pMod.getinputs();
    % get the link information
    [pVar, pLink] = V.getLinks();
    % find the linked inputs to the model
    [indModelInputs, indLinks] = ismember( pModelInputs, pVar );
    % replace each linked input with a model of the link input.
    for n = find(indModelInputs)
        thisLink = pLink(indLinks(n));
        if ~thisLink.isa( 'cgmodexpr' )
            pNewModNode = cgExpr2Model(thisLink, CGP,[thisLink.getname,'_Model'],false );
            thisLink = pNewModNode.getdata();
        if ~ismember(pModelInputs(n),thisLink.getinports)
            % Update model input with the link ptr/model
            pModelInputs(n) = thisLink;
            warning(message('mbc:cgsimfill:CreateModel:InvalidLink', thisLink.getname, pModelInputs( n ).getname, pMod.getname))
    % update the models inputs
    pMod.info = setinputs( pMod.info, pModelInputs);