www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/@cgexpr/evaluateOverDesign.m

    function out = evaluateOverDesign(obj, varargin) 
%EVALUATEOVERDESIGN Evaluate expression over a space filling design
%  OUT = EVALUATEOVERDESIGN(OBJ) returns an evaluation of OBJ over a space
%  filled set of input points. This evaluation is useful in determining
%  an approximate range of the expression.
%  OUT = EVALUATEOVERDESIGN(OBJ, QUANTITY) returns an evaluation of OBJ
%  over a space filled design for the specified quantity.  QUANTITY must be
%  a function handle to an expression method of the form Y = FUNC(OBJ).

%  Copyright 2005-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

pInp = cgindependentvars(getinports(obj));
nf = length(pInp);
if nf>0
    R = pveceval(pInp, @getrange);
    % Use a halton set to spread evaluations around the space
    cs1 =  cset_haltonset({R, 1000});
    cs1 = set(cs1, 'Scramble', 'RR2');
    cs1 = set(cs1, 'PrimeLeap', true);
    cs1 = set(cs1, 'SkipZero', true);

    if nf>8
        % Use a Plackett-Burman design to get scattered coverage of
        % corners. The number of runs is chosen so that we never create a
        % design that is the absolute minimum number of runs for the number
        % of factors.
        NumPBRuns = max(9, ceil(0.5+log2(nf)));
        cs2 = cset_pb({R, 2^NumPBRuns});
        % Use a full factorial to hit all corners
        cs2 = cset_grid(R);
    X = num2cell([fullset(cs1); fullset(cs2)],1);
    passign(pInp, parrayeval(pInp, @setvalue, {X}));
    if isSwitchExpr(obj)
        % Snap the inports to switch points for the switch variables - this
        % changes the values that are currently in the inports.
        % This will only work well on fairly simple switching model setups.
    out = evaluate(obj, varargin{:});
    % This is a source item.  If it is an inport item then we can use the
    % range to generate typical values, otherwise just use the source's
    % value
    if isinport(obj)
        R = getrange(obj);
        obj = setvalue(obj, linspace(R(1), R(2), 1000));
        out = evaluate(obj, varargin{:});
        out = evaluate(obj, varargin{:});