www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/@cgexpr/propertydialog.m

    function [obj, ok] = propertydialog(obj)
%PROPERTYDIALOG Display a properties dialog.
%  [OBJ, OK] = PROPERTYDIALOG(OBJ) displays a property dialog for the
%  expression and blocks until the dialog is closed.  This will contain a
%  number of tabs which may vary according to the expression class.  The
%  tabs may also allow editing of information.  The OK flag indicates
%  whether there were any changes made to the object when the dialog was
%  open.

%  Copyright 2000-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Use capitalized type string for the title
tpstr = gettype(obj);
NeedToUpper = regexp(tpstr,'\<[a-z]');
tpstr(NeedToUpper) = upper(tpstr(NeedToUpper));

h = mbcgui.dialog.StandardDialog(obj, ...
    'DisplaySinglePageAsTab', true,...
    'PageInfoFunction', @generatePropertyPages,...
    'Title', sprintf('%s Properties', tpstr));

ok = h.show;
if ok
    newobj = h.Object;
    % Call a method that gives subclasses a chance to perform some
    % post-closing special actions.
    obj = finishPropertyDialog(obj, newobj);