www.gusucode.com > mbcexpr 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcexpr/@cgexpr/solve.m

    function [pexpr, rhsexpr, problem, PtrsCreated] = solve(e,exprptr, ptr)
%SOLVE Solve the expression
% [pexpr, rhsexpr, problem, PtrsCreated] = SOLVE(e,exprptr, ptr)
% This is the default solve that should be overloaded. Rearranges the
% equation e = exprptr.info to make the expression pointed to by ptr the
% subject of the equation.  No specific solve is defined, so leave the
% equation in the form e = exprptr.info  and return a problem to indicate
% that pexpr isn't the item pointed to by ptr.

%  Copyright 2000-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

pexpr = e;
rhsexpr = exprptr;
problem = 'Solve is not defined for this type of expression.';
PtrsCreated = [];